Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 344 Not One Person, It's A Group of People

Chapter 344 Not a person, but a group of people
Ye Ziye didn't plan like this originally, she felt that she caused the matter by herself, and she should bear the blame all by herself.

She owes Carl money, and she will find a way to pay him back.

As for whether to go back to the United States with him, she has no idea now.

Now in China, she has adapted to the living environment here. She likes the status quo, the days when she has a brother and a boyfriend who loves her.

While she still wants to live an independent life, it's just that the killer path isn't the only option.

Perhaps because Zuo Zhe was by her side, she was no longer lonely and weak.

He helped her carry her matters down forcibly, leaving no room for her to refute.

She couldn't hold him back, so she had to let him take full responsibility for the matter, including double repayment of debts, and also summoning eighty top thugs from Baihutang with a powerful formation.

"The 100 million, I never thought of getting it back with you."

Zuo Zhe ignored his words, closed the box, took a step forward, and placed it firmly beside him.

Ye Ziye thought about it and felt that there was nothing worth saying.

200 million is enough to compensate him for his loss.

"Let's go." Zuo Zhe stretched out his hand to take her hand, turned around and walked back.

Today he brought eighty thugs, plus seven bodyguards hiding in the dark, and Yan Xiaozhu, they had a huge force of 90 people.

Such a posture, I believe, can scare Carl away.

One step at a time, one step at a time, gradually drifting away.

Carl yelled, "Stop."

Zuo Zhe and Ye Ziye stopped and heard footsteps behind them. It was not a single person, but a group of people.

At the same time, he saw his subordinates walking towards them with murder weapons in their hands.

They all looked back in astonishment, only to see a large number of masked men pouring out of the abandoned factory in an instant.

The number is so large that it is even more powerful than their troops.

Suddenly, the faces of the two turned pale in shock.

"Do you think I will be unprepared?" The time is set three days later, just to mobilize your own people.

Mastering the stick, but aiming for the yard.

At this time Ye Ziye had to admire Zuo Zhe's foresight. He said last night that he would bring 80 people with him, but she strongly opposed it.

(End of this chapter)

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