Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 348 Aunt?Big... aunt! ?

Chapter 348 Aunt?Big... aunt! ?
"No, no, it should be Mrs. Zhe." She spoke respectfully and politely, lest the wife of the hall master in the future would be unhappy.

"Am I very old? Why don't you just call me Auntie?" She felt more powerless and was so shocked that she couldn't move.

Zuo Zhe burst out laughing: "From now on, everyone will call her 'Aunt Zhe'."

A flock of black crows flew over everyone's heads, flying slowly from left to right.


'Sister-in-law Zhe' is already considered old for a 16-year-old young girl, but now Zuo Zhe has gone too far and asked everyone to call her Aunt Zhe.

aunt!Big... aunt! !
Whether Sister Ye or Sister Zhe is fine, she doesn't like it: "My name is Ye Ziye, I'm not a sister or sister-in-law, OK?"

Xiao Zhang looked at Zuo Zhe in a panic, only to see that the young hall master was still smiling 'brilliantly'.

Before Ye Ziye appeared a moment ago, the young hall master looked lazy and bored, his face was always covered with thousands of years of ice, and his body exuded a message: Don't get close to strangers, or you will freeze to death.

At this moment, Ye Ziye's words made him smile, and the iceberg melted instantly.

Anyone with a discerning eye can tell what kind of weight Ye Ziye holds in Zuo Zhe's heart.

"But..." Xiao Zhang seemed to be in a dilemma.

Whether it's addressing her or asking the student council president to arrest her.

Ye Ziye didn't bother to pay attention to him, and ran to Qin Yi and Jiang Yaoyao's side and asked: "After school, do you have time? I have something to ask you."

Jiang Yaoyao looked innocent: "What is it?"

At this moment, Zuo Zhe turned away his smiling face and looked at them curiously.

"I can't tell you about the young hall master." She glanced at him with a smile on her face.

Hearing this, everyone looked at Zuo Zhe.

His face was a little stunned, and soon a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he shrugged and smiled back at her.

It doesn't matter, if she doesn't tell him, someone will come to tell him.

Qin Yi answered her: "Just wait at the school gate after school."

"OK." Ye Ziye patted his butt, without even looking at Zuo Zhe as he ran away.

Zuo Zhe originally wanted to stop her for a chat, but at the same time his cell phone rang, and he could only watch the little girl run away.

"What is it?" He answered the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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