Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 349 I'm afraid I won't survive tonight

Chapter 349 I'm afraid I won't survive tonight
The next second his face became serious: "Okay, I know, let's go now."

Qin Jun, who had been sleeping on his stomach, couldn't help raising his head and asked curiously, "What's the matter?"

"Shangguan Chaoqun is awake." After speaking, he stood up, grabbed his coat and hurried outside, Qin Jun hurriedly followed.

Qin Yi and Jiang Yaoyao were left looking at each other.

When the two arrived at the hospital by car, the ward was full of people, including the chief hall master Jiang Yongbang, deputy hall masters Zuo Peng and Qin Lang, and the excited Shangguan Lu.

In addition, there are two more middle-aged men, who are the royal lawyers of Baihutang.

When they saw Zuo Zhe and Qin Jun, they respectfully called out: "Master Zhe, Master Jun."

"En." Zuo Zhe passed them and walked towards the hospital bed, only to see Zhong Cheng checking Shangguan Chaoqun.

And Shangguan Chaoqun, who had been in a coma for a long time, opened his eyes weakly at this moment, filled with a confused look.

Shangguan Lu shouted excitedly: "Dad? Dad?"

After a long time, Zhong Cheng put away the listening device, and said to everyone with a slightly solemn face, "I'm afraid I won't make it through tonight."

The faces of all the people present changed, and Shangguan Lu yelled angrily: "No, you are lying, he is clearly awake..., you are lying."

"I just gave him a booster shot. If you have any questions, please ask as soon as possible." After speaking, he shook his head and led the nurse away.

When a person is about to die, the mistakes he made in the past seem to have become insignificant.

The questions lingering on his body, at this moment, how can everyone have the heart to take away the last precious time between their father and daughter.

Jiang Yongbang sighed softly and looked at Zuo Peng and Qin Lang.

Zuo Zhe and Qin Jun also looked at each other, and everyone was silent for a moment.

"Dad, did you hear me?" Shangguan Lu burst into tears, tightly holding his father's right hand: "Dad, Dad, don't leave me alone, Dad."

Shangguan Chaoqun, who had been relying on an oxygen mask to maintain his life, his eyes became clear and staring. He turned his head to look at his daughter, and comforted him in a calm manner: "Xiaolu, Dad... I have troubled you."

"Dad!" Tears as big as beans fell down one by one along her cheeks.

The father and daughter have lived together for ten years.

[Thank you Xia Nan and Xiao Bandit for your message, love!But the little bandit spelled my name wrong and wanted to hit pp.The book city is now faster than before. It is updated every half a day. It used to be updated every other day.Huh, I reiterate that it's not me who is slower, it's the book city, the book city!Ye Xiwei, who can't afford to be hurt, left a message at 22:[-] on September [-]rd. 】

(End of this chapter)

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