Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 362 Advance or Retreat?

Chapter 362 Advance or Retreat?

As long as she pushes a little further, he will either slow down and avoid it immediately, and get through safely; or he will be forced to leave the track, at least be forced to suspend the race, or at worst be injured and reverse the car.

She only wanted him to handicap the game, and she didn't want him to get hurt.

But Zuo Zhe didn't seem to have any plans to let the game go, Ye Ziye hesitated in his heart.

In or out?

Now there is only half a circle left, as long as Zuo Zhe presses down, the 20 yuan bet is easy to win.

She can pay back half of the money she owes him.

If she loses, she will have a new debt of 10 yuan.

For 10 yuan, she will only get a bonus if she runs ten races a night.

Ye Ziye gritted her teeth and gave up besieging Zuo Zhe. If he was injured, she would feel bad.

forget it.

What's more, it is still unknown who will win the game until the last moment.

Just as she was returning the car, Zuo Zhe's locomotive suddenly slowed down and backed up.

At the same time, Ye Ziye felt a sense of oppression from the other side.

Her car was hit and shaken.

While the two were entangled endlessly, Rex had already chased after him. He quickly and accurately hit Ye Ziye's left foot with the front wheel of the motorcycle.

Fortunately, she reacted in time and retracted her left leg, so she was spared from being run over by the opponent's wheel, but the hit car shook twice and slammed crookedly off the track.

If Zuo Zhe hadn't slowed down and retreated, she would have crashed into Zuo Zhe with her car at this time.

As a result, the two collided and fell to the ground within minutes. This is probably the result Rex wanted, killing two birds with one stone.

She hurriedly braked to stabilize her body and mind.

When she stopped the car, Zuo Zhe had already rushed forward from her left side, and instantly approached Rex who was trying to drive away.

Everyone saw it clearly, just as they were about to cross the finish line.

The front of the blue locomotive flew up, and its wheels hit Rex's body in front of it.

Brutely knocked Rex and his car, knocked them flying and fell to the ground.

The blue locomotive stopped at the finish line, Zuo Zhe took off his helmet, his whole body was tense, with an angry expression on his face, he strode back to Rex who was three meters away.

At this time, Rex hugged the injured left leg, moaned and rolled on the ground, in great pain.

Without saying a word, he raised his right leg and kicked Rex's left foot quickly and fiercely.

(End of this chapter)

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