Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 363 Is there any reason for him not to get angry?

Chapter 363 Is there any reason for him not to get angry?
What happened in the past ten seconds made everyone present hold their breath.

It's rare for Zuo Zhe to laugh, but it's also rare for him to get angry.

Everyone only saw the clip after Zuo Zhe's flying car crashed into Rex, but they didn't see Rex crashing into Ye Ziye before.

Only one person saw it, and that was Zuo Zhe.

From the moment Rex pressed forward, Zuo Zhe already knew his intention, so he quickly slowed down and backed away, making room for Ye Ziye to dodge.

It's a pity that Ye Ziye was deep in thought at the time, and didn't have time to react, and was knocked back and forth by Rex.

Zuo Zhe could see clearly that the girl he was reluctant to hurt, someone else hurt her right under his nose.

Is there any reason for him not to get angry?
I saw that she was standing peacefully, and the motorcycle body beside her was knocked out of a large dent.

If he hit Ye Ziye's left foot that way, he might have been seriously injured.

Thinking about the right foot that had just recovered after being kicked by Carl before, he didn't like her legs covered with scars.

With bloody and violent rage, the thousand-year-old ice-like man kicked and bumped without hesitation until Rex collapsed on the ground and remained motionless.

Only then did he raise his head to look at Ye Ziye not far away.

She stared at him blankly.

The four eyes met, she seemed to understand that behind his anger, it was all caused by her almost being hurt.

How familiar is this scene.

At the beginning, Season also beat Rex hard for her, but things changed, and Zuo Zhe was replaced a year later.

Ye Ziye suddenly sympathized with Rex.

He wanted to hurt himself over and over again, but was beaten up by others over and over again.

"Are you okay?" Zuo Zhe approached her, took her hand and pulled her into his arms, holding her tightly.

"Yeah." She buried her face in his chest, smelling the unique masculine fragrance on his body, mixed with the smell of tobacco: "I'm fine."

It turned out that as long as he was by his side, she could stay at ease.

He will make decisions for her.

She immediately felt very safe.

He lowered his head and kissed her hair lightly, then dragged her hand the next second, and said to Qin Jun who was running in the distance, "I'll leave this to you, we'll go first."

"OK." Qin Jun looked at Ye Ziye and seemed to understand something.

(End of this chapter)

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