Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 382 That's right, it really is her!

Chapter 382 That's right, it really is her!
"If you don't talk to me about this matter, I plan to talk to you tonight, as well as Xiaoyi and Yaoyao, and even Shan Nantao and others. I need everyone to stand by my side and support me." Zuo Zhe I quickly calculated a series of steps in my mind: "Before tomorrow evening at the latest, I must confess everything to the chief hall master."

"Okay, I'll call everyone to come over."

[—Ye Xiwei's original *** Tencent first release —].
Ye Ziye followed Yan Xiaozhu all day, from school until the end of school in the evening, she also did not drive a sports car today, but walked leisurely along the road, even for an hour.

Later, I walked into a large shopping mall, as if I wanted to buy some daily necessities.

Since he couldn't find his bodyguard, he had no choice but to follow Yan Xiaozhu to find joy in life.

Ye Ziye was wearing a peaked cap, carrying a backpack on his shoulder with his left hand, and pretending to get goods from the shelves with his right hand.

A pair of big dingy eyes peeped through the brim of the hat, staring closely at the girl in black in the distance.

I secretly attached in my heart: "Don't let me know where your home is, I just want to know." '

Ouch, it's really unlucky to be targeted by a stubborn person like Ye Ziye.

Of course Yan Xiaozhu in the distance knew that she was staring at him, so he turned left and right, slowly wearing down her patience, hoping that she would retreat in spite of difficulties and stop pestering her endlessly.

Because she was too focused on Yan Xiaozhu's actions, she ignored the things around her, two figures gradually approaching.

Two handsome and dazzling big boys stood on the other side of her, tilted their heads, looked at the side face under the peaked cap, and then glanced in the direction of her gaze.

They rolled eyes at each other in silence, then nodded to confirm: Yes, it really is her!

It's really a narrow road!
I let you run away last time, so you are unlucky today.

At the same time, Yan Xiaozhu suddenly looked towards her.

Ye Ziye hastily raised his hand to press the brim of his hat, and lowered his head guiltily to the ground.

Except for her pair of shoes, the ground is close at hand, and there are four toes facing her.

She was startled, her whole body felt a chill, she almost bounced off, and her eyes moved up quickly.

When was there someone standing next to her, and she didn't even know it?
What came into my eyes were two handsome guys, one white and one black.

(End of this chapter)

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