Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 383 Wild girl, do you want to steal something

Chapter 383 Wild girl, do you want to steal something
They are not Zuo Zhe and Qin Jun.

The big fair-skinned boy folded his hands on his chest, with a slight smile on his face.

The big dark-skinned boy rested his left hand on his shoulder, touched his chin with his right hand, and grinned brightly.

The two looked so sunny, so friendly and harmless.

It seems that any girl, not fascinated by their handsome appearance, will also be attracted by their cute and kind smiles.

But only Ye Ziye didn't have this idea, she just felt a chill down her back.

The dark-skinned one said, "Hey, wild girl, do you want to steal something?"

Ye Ziye was very displeased with a word of wild girl, and just when she was about to yell at her.

The white skin hurriedly said: "Ahem, pay attention! You can't call her a wild girl. Don't forget that when you called her a wild girl last time, this wild girl poked you with a saber like a wild girl."

[Thump, thump, can you guess who is coming?Guess what?hehe.Read on obediently if you guessed it, and go back to Chapter 171 if you can’t guess it. 】.
He told others not to call the wild girl, but he himself called it four times.

OK, everyone is not an idiot, everyone can hear his teasing.

At the end of the story, Ye Ziye's anger had already soared to the sky, and he only missed blowing a big hole in the roof of the shopping mall.

The two big boys, who sang together and chorused together, suddenly laughed presumptuously.

While smiling, they actually clapped each other's hands to celebrate.

Ye Ziye took a deep breath and reminded himself that he had important things to do, so don't worry about them.

He lowered his head and sideways to peek at Yan Xiaozhu's direction, there were still signs of people there, but it was empty.

In fact, Yan Xiaozhu was the first to notice that there were people approaching Ye Ziye, so he glanced over at them just now, but later saw that they were smiling with no malice, so he dodged to hide and observe again.

At this time, she was already in the opposite direction, anti-reconnaissance Ye Ziye's position.

But Yan Xiaozhu's actions could not escape the eyes of the two of them.

The dazed Ye Ziye ran over and looked around, but couldn't find Yan Xiaozhu, she was so angry that she gritted her teeth, stomped her feet and cursed in a low voice.

"Hey, little pepper, what are you looking for?" The two people who were laughing happily followed behind.

(End of this chapter)

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