Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 389 You Don't Naively Think

Chapter 389 You Don't Naively Think
Zuo Peng didn't wait for the chief hall master Jiang Yongbang to speak, and took the lead in sternly calling his son Zuo Zhe: "You'd better give a sufficient and reasonable reason."

Although on the surface, Baihutang is headed by Jiang Yongbang, in reality all decisions are made by Zuo Peng.

When he spoke, both Jiang Yongbang and Qin Lang remained silent, their fierce eyes swept towards the children in front of them.

Led by Zuo Zhe, Qin Jun, brother and sister, Jiang Yaoyao and Shan Nantao sat on both sides of the long conference table.

Because Shangguan Lu is a guilty person, even if she stays as the young hall master, most of her previous arrogance has been wiped out, and she has no right to speak at this moment.

Today is her first day back to Baihutang.

Standing beside the conference table are Sha Yayong and Shanyanlong who are in charge of shipping and receiving goods.

And Fang Lin who replaced Shangguan Chaoqun's military adviser.

The 12-person meeting was lengthy and stormy, making everyone present breathless.

Zuo Zhe frowned, unscrewed the cigarette from the corner of his mouth, and pressed it hard into the ashtray, with lowered eyelids and long eyelashes covering the pupils.

Teach people can't see clearly what he is thinking, and the sound of his own heartbeat can be vaguely heard in the quiet space.

After a while, Zuo Peng spoke again: "You don't think naively that today's Baihutang can abandon black and white?"

A word hit everyone in deep thought, Zuo Zhe and Qin Jun both looked at him in astonishment, their faces couldn't hide their astonishment and astonishment.

Soon Zuo Zhe replied with his usual calm and indifferent attitude, and admitted bluntly: "I have this idea."

Zuo Peng's face was livid and black, and he raised his arms and roared angrily: "Ridiculous!"

Qin Yi hurried to help: "Uncle Peng, don't get angry, please listen to Brother Xiao Zhe's explanation."

Jiang Yaoyao hastily nodded in agreement: "Yes, yes."

"Okay, you say."

Zuo Zhe frowned tightly, and took a long breath: "I don't want my son, my grandson is like me, a gangster."

His voice was not loud, neither anxious nor angry, as if he was narrating some trivial matter.

But enough for everyone present to hear clearly, enough to make them fall into a state of reflection.

Both Jiang Yongbang and Qin Lang looked at their children, feeling a faint pain in their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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