Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 390 This is Your Mission, Your Responsibility

Chapter 390 This is Your Mission, Your Responsibility
"I told you when I was a child that this is your mission and your responsibility." Zuo Peng bit his lower lip and forced himself not to soften his heart: "You shoulder the livelihood responsibility of thousands of people."

Zuo Zhe retorted: "I didn't say to end Baihutang."

"Halve the purchase volume, and everyone's income will be halved. If you do this, do you know the consequences?"

"I know."

Zuo Zhe waved Shan Nantao to open the computer database.

"I have done data collection beforehand, as long as we subtract the income belonging to the team leader, hall master, and chief deputy hall master to fill in the income of the brothers under his command, I believe that the difference from the old income will not be too obvious. "

All the income belonging to Baihutang is divided according to the shareholding system. The higher the level, the higher the shareholding, the more various incomes.

Now that Zuo Zhe said that the income of those above the team leader level was cut, everyone present was involved in it, and all of them were moved.

"No." Jiang Yongbang was the first to object.

Qin Lang followed and shook his head in disapproval.

Everyone else bowed their heads and did not express their support.

"Listen to me." Zuo Zhe hurriedly pressed the computer to display another set of data: "This situation is only temporary. When other businesses in the guild develop, our income will definitely increase again."

"You don't need to say anything."

Zai Peng waved his hand and didn't want to listen any more: "If you want to vote for or against, I won't let you do so."

He glanced under the stage one by one, many people who had been sold by Zuo Zhe in advance: "I know your ghost idea, don't think that you can be deceived and pass the test."

For all major decisions in the gang, they will call the people who hold shares to vote for the decision, and all the people with voting rights will gather here today.

It's just that they were drawn over by Zuo Zhe a day beforehand.

Today's vote is useless.

"I'm doing it for everyone's good, can't you listen to me?" Zuo Zhe stood in front of his father with a tense handsome face and growled.

"No." Zuo Peng waved his hand to signal the others to leave: "Pu Yayong is in contact with foreign countries, and the purchase volume remains unchanged. Today's meeting ends here."

(End of this chapter)

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