Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 391 Not a Fuel-Efficient Lamp

Chapter 391 Not a Fuel-Efficient Lamp
Zuo Peng, who was so strong and unyielding, and so vigorous and resolute, did not leave any room for distracting everyone.

Zuo Zhe's face was extremely ugly, he pursed his lips tightly, and he didn't give in in his heart: "You are not at all worried about handing over the Baihu Hall to me, why did you pretend to be so hypocritical?"

Zuo Peng, Jiang Yongbang, and Qin Lang looked at each other, but Zuo Zhe left the meeting room first without even looking.

"It's meaningless for me to stay here." Zuo Zhe's chest rose and fell, and he became irritable and abnormal for the first time in front of everyone.

"Brother Zhe." Qin Yi and Jiang Yaoyao exclaimed.

"Master Zhe." The others hurriedly dissuaded him.

Qin Jun grabbed his arm, shook his head restrainedly, and his eyes revealed a message: We will grow up in the future, and we should not be arrogant.

Zuo Peng stopped in his tracks, turned his face to the side without looking at him, and said coldly and majesticly, "Come with me."

Everyone in the conference room, no one left, everyone looked at Zuo Zhe and Zuo Peng, seeming at a loss.

Everyone knows that Baihutang is the world of their father and son. If the two fathers and sons are at odds, it means that the whole gang is in conflict.

Either of the two fathers and sons is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Are the safe days coming to an end?Is there another storm on the calm lake?
Everyone looked at Zuo Zhe's tough back and disappeared at the door of the meeting room, and the hearts of panic and anxiety never fell.

Upstairs in Zuo Peng's office, he heaved a long sigh, took out a cigar from the drawer, put it on his lips to light it, but finally held it between his fingers.

Zuo Zhe came in and closed the door, then stood in front of the desk, pursed his lips tightly and said nothing.

"Sit." Zuo Peng's tone was still strong, with an imperative tone.

Zuo Zhe sat down according to his words, with his back straightened and his face turned sideways to look at his toes.

"Are you threatening me?" Zuo Peng said angrily, "You are sure that Baihutang can't do without you, right? You use it to threaten us, what do you mean?"

"I don't, I'm just discussing things based on facts. If Baihutang can't be decided by me, you will arrange me to sit in the position of chief hall master, just let me be a puppet."

"Now you are so impulsive, do you think you can take on this great responsibility?"

"I have no temper."

(End of this chapter)

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