Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 396 Finding a Moment of Peace

Chapter 396 Finding a Moment of Peace

Smelling the fresh fragrance from her body, he finally found a moment of peace in his mind.

So she didn't speak, and let him hug her, enjoying the rare poetic and warm moment.

Reluctantly, his stomach was not up to date, and thunder started.

Ye Ziye smiled awkwardly: "Hee hee, I'm hungry."

He let her go: "let's go out for supper."

"The maid has already cooked something, wait for me, I'll go down and bring it up to eat." She jumped out of bed and ran out, and came back quickly and asked, "Have you eaten yet?"

"I'm not hungry." He smiled softly, but he was actually in no mood to eat.

Ye Ziye didn't ask carefully, the sound of pedaling ran away.

Ye Guya has already gone to bed downstairs, every night, as long as Ye Ziye comes home, she will sleep peacefully, otherwise, no matter how late, she will wait for her daughter to come back.

Just as Aunt Huan was about to take the cooked noodles out of the kitchen, Ye Ziye had already run in to grab them: "Aunt Huan, I can do it by myself, thank you for your hard work, go to sleep."

"No, I'll wait for you to eat and wash the dishes."

Ye Ziye rolled her eyes: "I can do the dishes myself, go to bed quickly, you have to get up early tomorrow."


"Go, go." Pushing Aunt Huan back to the room.

She re-entered the kitchen, tiptoeing and quickly cooking another bowl of noodles, adding vegetables, eggs and ham.

Immediately, the fragrance overflowed.

Holding two bowls of hot noodles on a tray, she tiptoed back to the room on the second floor.

At this time, Zuo Zhe had already collapsed on her bed, eyes closed, and looked like he was in a deep sleep.

She put down the tray, approached the bed, and kicked his feet: "Hey, I'll cook noodles for you, get up and eat."

He still closed his eyes, and the corners of his mouth moved: "I don't want to eat."

Zuo Zhe, who is so lifeless, is not like him.

She simply sat down beside him, touched his forehead, but it wasn't hot: "Is it uncomfortable?"

He turned around and turned his back to her: "Don't talk to me, go and eat quickly, it's not good to be hungry."

"If you don't eat, I won't eat either."

He turned his body back, opened his eyes and looked at her: "I'm not hungry, be good, go and eat."

"It's the first time I cook noodles for boys, do you really not want to eat them?"

[Today's ten updates are over, and we will continue tomorrow. 】

(End of this chapter)

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