Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 397 Her 'First Time'

Chapter 397 Her 'First Time'

Zuo Zhe was obviously convinced by her 'first time', he wanted to sit up and look at the two bowls of smoking noodles on the table, they looked pretty good, but he didn't know how they tasted.

"Is it really the first time you cooked it?"

She nodded vigorously: "Yes."

Seeing his sullen look, she dares to guarantee with her head that something big will happen today.

He kept saying he wasn't hungry instead of saying I had eaten.

Are you overwhelmed by things?
She carefully observed his facial expressions, and saw that the corners of Zuo Zhe's mouth were raised at this time, his eyes were bent and he smiled: "Okay, let me try your cooking skills."

Zuo Zhe moved the table to the side of the bed, and she moved the chair. He sat on the edge of the bed, and she sat on the chair.

The two held a bowl each, lowered their heads and started to move.

Zuo Zhe chewed a few times, his movements froze.

The noodles are a bit hard, and the soup does not contain salt and oil, so it cannot be said to be delicious, it can only be said to be barely swallowable.

"Is it delicious?" She took a few bites and felt that Aunt Huan's cooking skills were getting better and better.

Especially when she is hungry, it looks very special and delicious.

"Yeah." He chewed the noodles carefully and nodded stiffly.

"Hehe, cooking noodles is actually very simple."

She saw him take a bite of the ham, then put it back into the bowl, and only picked noodles to eat, she wondered, "Don't you like this?"

She is the favorite to eat.

After finishing speaking, he reached out to grab the ham in his bowl.

Unexpectedly, Zuo Zhe's eyes were impatient, he picked up the chopsticks, grabbed the ham on her chopsticks, and stuffed it into his mouth without saying a word: "You eat your own, don't grab the ham from my bowl."

With a warning and strong tone, it looks like someone stole something from his house.

"Please, that's whether I cooked it well." She wanted to try how it tasted.

Zuo Zhe suddenly picked up the bowl, tilted his head up and poked it twice, and ate the whole bowl of noodles in an instant without leaving a drop of water: "No more."

In his mouth, he was chewing crispy and uncooked vegetables, and ham that had not been completely defrosted.

Bottom line: the noodles and toppings were all undercooked.

Ye Ziye lowered her eyelids, staring at Zuo Zhe with disdain: "Are you willing to do this? It's my first time cooking."

(End of this chapter)

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