Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 405 Come here and give me a hug

Chapter 405 Come here and give me a hug

"Thank you." Her heart suddenly warmed up. It turned out that her relatives cared about her, and that feeling was really, really good.

"Be careful when you go home, bye."


In the Le Cordon Bleu promotion test, she is very sure.

Originally, she regarded it as a routine matter and passed the test without much joy in her heart, but after Nie Hong and her second brother said congratulations, Good.girl, she spoke with praise.

Her heart suddenly became soft and sweet.

Just as he hung up the phone, the ringtone rang again, this time it was Zuo Zhe.

"Hello? What's the matter?"

"where is it?"

She was in a good mood, and looked at the scorching sunset and let out a long breath: "I'm... looking at the handsome guy."

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone, and then with a smile: "So, have you finished reading? I'll come to you for dinner."

Cut, no fun!

The corners of her mouth twitched twice, and she cursed viciously: "Is Baihutang closed? Don't you need to mess around? Always come to me if you have anything to do."

"Now I am on general strike."

She was stunned: "Why?"

"Demand for wage cuts unsuccessful, strike in protest."

He said it seriously, not in a joking tone at all.

She wondered: "Others went on strike to ask for a raise, but you did the opposite. Did your conscience realize that the money you cheated was too dirty, and you plan to give it back?"


He still answered very calmly.

Ye Ziye felt a little weird now, and asked him softly, "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine." He sighed slightly: "Where are you? Come here and give me a hug."

The tone is commanding, serious and serious.

Several rows of black lines appeared on her forehead.

This guy always talks nonsense with a serious face.

"Don't you like it?" Zuo Zhe said in a negotiating tone, "Why don't you just let me kiss you."


"No, I will kiss you forcefully."

Look, the more you say it, the more outrageous it is.

"Go wash up and go to sleep." The dream is yours.

Ye Ziye stopped a taxi and didn't bother to talk to him: "I won't tell you, I'm going home for dinner, I haven't had dinner with my mother for a long time."

"Tomorrow night." Become unfriendly.

"A date with a handsome guy."

"The day after tomorrow." Has been blasted.

[It's been ten updates, do you want to add more?want to?If you think about it, please leave a message as soon as possible. Friends of the computer will look at you. 】

(End of this chapter)

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