Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 406 No one else but them

Chapter 406 No one else but them

"I'm going to check my schedule and I'll tell you tomorrow. If it's all right, that's it." She smiled bitterly.

"it is good."

The sound that came out of the gap between the teeth, with a strong coldness and murderous aura, was transmitted through radio waves.

Even though thousands of miles away, he still clearly felt his displeasure and slight anger.

Ye Ziye sticks out her tongue and hastily hangs up the phone.

When returning home, Ye Guya was a little stunned: "Aren't you going out to play today?"

"Mom, I got the blue belt exam today." She said with a smile while taking off her shoes.

"Really? Hehe, it's amazing." The mother walked towards her incredulously, and after a moment of silence, she clapped her hands and cheered like a little girl: "What do you want to eat? Mom cooks it for you."

"Anything is fine."

"Seafood soup, um..., that's right, I have to call Aunt Huan quickly and ask her to buy more vegetables you like." Ye Guya ran to the living room to find her mobile phone: "She should still be shopping in the mall. "

Seeing her mother happily running around, Ye Ziye had a slight smile on her lips.

In fact, my mother is a very innocent and optimistic person who is easily satisfied.

Daughter and painting occupy most of her time.

"I called Brother Fan, he must be very happy." Ye Guya picked up the phone, thought for a while and shouted at her: "Did you tell your elder brother? Let him come over for dinner. I bought him a wedding present today, I don't know if he likes it or not."

"Mom!" She put down her backpack and stood beside her, her voice soft and gentle: "Let's talk to them tomorrow, how about we celebrate tonight?"

She hasn't had a meal with her mother for a long time, and at this moment, she just wants to be alone with her mother and daughter.

No one else but them.

Surprised, Yeguya stopped pressing her thumb on the phone, looked up at her daughter, with an unconcealable smile still on her face.

The mother and daughter are connected, and she understood her thoughts in an instant, so she nodded: "Okay, let's celebrate together."

Ye Ziye smiled, and put her arms around her mother's shoulders coquettishly: "I, I want to eat western food, honey steak made by you."

"Okay, okay." She patted her daughter's face lightly, doting extremely.

[Hehe, the update is here, two people left a message, so two updates will be added.The same person left a message twice, which counted as one update. Before eleven o'clock, several people left a message, and several updates were made. Everyone caught up.At the same time, don't forget to bookmark, subscribe and vote, let's interact. 】

(End of this chapter)

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