Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 407 She only deserves to be in a dark place

Chapter 407 She only deserves to be in a dark place

On the way of growing up, the mother and daughter often ate alone. Ye Guya didn't make many friends and liked to stay at home and draw.

The friends Ye Ziye met outside were mostly unscrupulous hooligans, and if they brought them home, they might frighten the innocent mother.

Occasionally, Nie Fan will come over, even if it is like this, there are not many opportunities for a family of three to have meals together in a year.

In these few opportunities, Ye Ziye and Nie Fan are like a pair of enemies, either you ignore me, I ignore you; or they scold each other and scold each other.

In the end, they would just break up unhappy, and suffer Ye Guya who was caught in the middle.

Sometimes I won't quarrel, but I'm always accused of being too capricious and not aggressive.

Opening and shutting up is how Season stands out from the crowd, how filial and obedient he is, and how he is loved by the elders of Nie's parents.

In the end, she was provoked to leave the table angrily, and a meal that felt like being on a battlefield would come to an end.

So since she was a child, Ye Ziye didn't like eating at home. She would rather have a meal outside than face the many demands of her parents.

Why your grades are so bad, why your clothes are too revealing, why your personality is not good....

In Nie Fan's mouth, there was never a word of praise.

He was too mean to her, but too generous to Season.

This is the difference between her and Season, and this is the sadness of her being an illegitimate daughter.

She once wondered if she was too naughty to cause Nie Fan to abandon her love and hate him so much?

Don't others say that they feel sorry for the parents of the world?Didn't it mean that there are no parents who don't love their children?

Why would Nie Fan treat her like this?

Isn't friend Jimmy also playing truant, taking drugs, fighting and racing?

His father was never willing to beat and scold him, he would only persuade him with good words and forgive him time and time again.

No matter how late or tired, he would stay in the store and wait for him to come home.

His parents also treated her with tolerance and sincerity towards her, a pig friend and dog friend.

At the same time, father, why is there such a big gap?
Because she is a disgrace to the Nie family, a disgrace to his Nie Fan, a scandal and cancer that cannot be seen.

She is only fit to live in a dark place, to fend for herself, and no one cares about her.

(End of this chapter)

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