Chapter 408 Silly Child

"What are you thinking about?" Yeguya, who was wearing an apron, put the dinner dishes on the dining table with a tray.

While setting the dishes and chopsticks, he looked back at his daughter on the sofa.

The TV broadcasts the evening news, in English.

She hugged her knees with her hands, lowered her eyes, looking at her feet in a daze.

The active and lively daughter, staying quietly made her feel uneasy, so she hurriedly urged her: "Xi Wei, go wash your hands and eat."

"Oh, I see!"

Ye Ziye, as if waking up from a dream, hastily turned her head and went to the bathroom with her mother behind her back, raised her hand to smooth her bangs, and wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes without a trace.

Although her daughter said that she could do whatever she wanted, Yeguya still took a lot of trouble. In addition to the honey steak, she also made seafood soup, vegetable salad and fresh potato chips, baked cookies, made coffee and prepared red wine, and Her favorite dessert.

The oval dining table is filled with her favorite food, which is rich and pleasant.

Ye Ziye was speechless: "Mom, did you make too much?"

She just said honey steak.

"Not much, not much." Yeguya took off her apron, and poured two glasses of red wine with a smile, one for her and one for herself: "Come on, let's celebrate."

Raise your glass.

She hurriedly raised her glass to greet her, with a charming smile on her face: "Thank you!"

"Silly boy."

Clink glasses and drink.

After living in a foreign country for many years, they have developed the etiquette of western food, sitting down and putting the napkin on their laps.

Ye Ziye picked up the knife and fork, stared intently at the steaming steak, suddenly felt blissful, and sniffed hard: "It smells so good."

"Try it quickly." Ye Guya looked at her daughter dotingly.

She cut a small piece, chewed it in her mouth, and nodded in praise: "Well, it's great. It's been a long time since I ate steak cooked by my mother."

Ye Guya quickly replied: "In the future, I will go home to eat more, and I will make it for you every day."

Ye Ziye pursed her lips tightly and nodded: "Yeah."

At this moment, so much bitterness and bitterness welled up in her heart, she was so choked that she couldn't speak idioms.

How beautiful it would be if there were no Nie Fan and only their mother and daughter!
It's a pity that everything is an extravagant hope, and they still can't get rid of their attachment to the Nie family.

[There are four messages, this is the third one, and one more is on the way... Did you leave any messages?gone?Is it really necessary to add more? 】

(End of this chapter)

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