Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 414 There Is One Person Who Always Follows You

Chapter 414 There Is Someone Who Always Follows You

Ye Ziye didn't answer, but changed the subject and asked, "Did you really find out my classmate's home address?"

Nie Hong and Lan Hao looked at each other, and they both smiled innocently: "We also found some interesting things."

"Interesting thing?" She repeated these words in amazement, savoring the meaning.

As we all know, Yan Xiaozhu is super boring.

I usually sleep in get out of class, go to the toilet after class, and see no one after school.

Among the mutes, she is considered the most autistic one. At any rate, some mutes can sign language or stand still and listen to others.

she is not.

She was maddeningly mysterious, she was in the same class for half a year, and she learned very little information from her.

Apart from the name, there is no trace to be traced.

She doesn't have the low self-esteem and shyness that a dumb person should have. What she has is high-strength boxing skills and an aura that is cold and intimidating.

Nie Hong and Lan Hao looked at each other again, and smiled mysteriously: "Do you know that there is a person who always follows you?"

Ye Ziye was extremely surprised: "You saw her?"

Her Zhongnanhai bodyguard! ?

Did they accidentally discover the whereabouts of their bodyguards when they were following Yan Xiaozhu?
Hehe, it seems that this is really interesting now.

You know, whether it is Yan Xiaozhu or Zhongnanhai's bodyguard, she is equally interested.

When she asked, Nie Hong and Lan Hao were surprised. Lan Hao asked her: "Do you know that she always follows you?"

"I know." She nodded.

Immediately, the two fell into deep thought, feeling that things were even more strange than they had imagined.

Nie Hong asked her another way: "Why is she following you?"

In the past two days, he and Lan Hao used two cars to follow closely alternately.

That Yan Xiaozhu is a very alert person.

After breaking up with Ye Ziye at the Baihao shopping mall the night before, they followed Yan Xiaozhu and found that she had been following her home.

Afterwards, they continued to follow Yan Xiaozhu, but they were discovered by her, and disappeared into the dark alley in an instant like ghosts.

Both he and Lan Hao were dumbfounded by the speed of the movement.

After returning home, relying on his years of knowledge of killer agents, he bet on his future Interpol identity.

(End of this chapter)

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