Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 415 Is it very satisfying and fun?

Chapter 415 Is it very satisfying and fun?
Yan Xiaozhu is not a good man and a believer, he must be a killer agent or something.

So the two deployed a plan throughout the night.

Use two cars separately, each with several sets of clothes, change at any time and take turns to track.

Finally, they found out that Yan Xiaozhu lived near Ye Ziye's house.

It's just that they couldn't understand why Yan Xiaozhu followed Ye Ziye closely?

Including her going to and from school, including her skipping school to take the promotion test, etc., they are almost inseparable.

At the same time, they also discovered another thing.

Besides Yan Xiaozhu, another group of people followed Ye Ziye.

And Yan Xiaozhu obviously knew it. While following her, she was also observing the actions of those people.

What is it that makes everyone so eager to follow Ye Ziye?

After two days of observation by the two of them, they found that she was actually nothing special.

A girl from an ordinary family, a junior high school student, and a slightly rebellious little pepper.

If it was the daughter of a wealthy family, it could still be suspected that she might be kidnapped.

But... why?

But at this moment Ye Ziye admitted even more that she knew that Yan Xiaozhu was following her.

Now that you know your classmates are following you, why are you so surprised and inexplicable?
Didn't Yan Xiaozhu know that Ye Ziye knew that she was following her?
Is it very enjoyable and fun for them to play stalking games like this?
We are already together in get out of class, and we have to follow each other after class, isn't it annoying?
I was really confused by them!
Most importantly, they were very curious about why Yan Xiaozhu followed her.

"She protects me!" Ye Ziye said confidently.

Everyone is completely unaware that each is referring to someone else.

Ye Ziye thought they were talking about her bodyguard, while Nie Hong and the others thought she was talking about Yan Xiaozhu.

"Protect you?" Now Nie Hong and Lan Hao were even more confused: "Why should they protect you?"

"Because..." Season's name almost blurted out, she pressed her mouth in time, her sly eyes flashed: "I... my brother, he arranged for me to be a bodyguard."

After saying this, Ye Ziye almost bit his tongue and committed suicide.

She actually admitted that Season was her brother in front of the men of the Nie family.

(End of this chapter)

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