Chapter 419
He is not Nie Hong, he has no inexplicable affection or familiarity with Ye Ziye.

He was just following the order of his brother-in-law to guard Nie Hong carefully, as long as he didn't make any plans for the wedding, other things were left to him.

And he believes that the scheming Nie Hong must have his own unique tricks, and it's only a matter of time.

"It's getting late, come over for dinner." Nie Hong took out his phone to check the time, it was almost nine o'clock.

So Ye Ziye and Lan Hao surrounded him.

After everyone sat down, the minister first served a glass of old red wine and drank a glass for everyone.

The mellow and aromatic smell of wine hits the nostrils, and Ye Ziye knew it was worth a lot when he smelled it.

Her mother, Yeguya, has a special liking for red wine, and there are many expensive red wines in the house.

When painting, she would drink a few small cups to help her enjoy herself.

Over time, she has a certain understanding of red wine, and can smell the wine to judge its price.

This wine does not have 10,000+, so she posted 10,000+ instead.

The waiters served the dishes one by one, holding golden plates and plates, containing expensive dishes and delicacies.

What caviar, French foie gras, French escargot... .

Not expensive do not eat.

Looking at the delicacies on the table, Ye Ziye's face turned red again.

Thinking in her heart, the hundreds of thousands of hard-earned money she earned from racing were wasted.

Sure enough, the Nie family man doesn't have any good things, except her family's Season.

In her heart, she was slaughtered to blood by this meal.

Who told her to say so proudly that she invited Yan Xiaozhu to dinner after finding out Yan Xiaozhu's home address.

Wait, they don't seem to say where Yan Xiaozhu lives yet.

His eyes suddenly lit up, hehe, there is still room for turning things around.

"Have you found out where Yan Xiaozhu lives?" She asked calmly and comfortably.

Cursing in my heart, I was almost cheated by you hundreds of thousands, damn it, damn it.

Nie Hong sipped the red wine lightly, squinted at her, and blinked in confusion: "Do you really want to know? I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it."

Lan Hao sat at the other end and had already started attacking his dinner, as if he hadn't heard what they said.

"The thing I can't stand is that you can't find out." Now it's best not to be able to find out.

Otherwise, her hard-earned money!
(End of this chapter)

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