Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 420 She Lives Behind Your House

Chapter 420 She Lives Behind Your House

Nie Hong pretended to be mysterious and laughed: "I'm afraid you won't believe it if I tell you."

She sneered: "Say it."

"She lives behind your house."


"She lives behind your house."

In fact, the two houses happened to be back to back, the door of Ye Ziye's house faced east, and the door of Yan Xiaozhu's house faced west.

The two houses are separated by a dark alley only half a meter wide, and the distance between the two walls is close to each other, close at hand.

When Ye Ziye heard the words, she could hardly digest the news, and her left hand habitually stroked her forehead.

If Yan Xiaozhu was really her bodyguard, it would be astonishingly profound and bold.

I used to live across from her house, but now I live behind her house.

She could only sigh silently: Master!

"She really lives in the alley next to my house?"

"Yeah." Nie Hong nodded: "She will take you home at night, and she will go home again. When you go to school in the morning, she will follow you to school. Even if you play truant for the promotion test, she will follow you to the examination room. It can be described as an all-pervasive bodyguard."

He outlined the itinerary for the past two days.

Lan Hao suddenly said: "Why does your brother invite someone with mysterious whereabouts and strong martial arts to protect you day and night?"

Ye Ziye opened his mouth, looked at Nie Hong, and finally stopped talking.

This involves herself and the Nie family, she doesn't want to recognize Nie Hong, she doesn't want to talk about it.

Lan Hao and Nie Hong looked at each other, and said clearly: "If you don't want to say it, let it go, we won't force you to say it."

"Let's eat." Nie Hong smiled brightly.

He had already thought of a way to prove that Yan Xiaozhu was a professional bodyguard.

Ye Ziye didn't know the taste of this meal.

Firstly, because the price was so high that she wanted to cry, and secondly, because she suddenly learned about Yan Xiaozhu.

After dinner, the three chatted for a while.

Later, Nie Hong saw that it was approaching eleven o'clock, and considering that she was a junior high school student, it was not appropriate to go home too late, so he offered to send her home.

When the three of them stepped out of the VIP suite, Ye Ziye reminded him: "I haven't paid the bill yet, you wait for me."

Both Nie Hong and Lan Hao were stunned, and asked back: "Why do we have to pay? We don't need to pay when we eat here."

The debt, of course, falls on the elder brother, he is the owner of the restaurant.

(End of this chapter)

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