Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 421 Ranked Top 3 in the Class

Chapter 421 Ranked among the top three in the class

"Besides, do you have the money to pay?" Lan Hao smiled resentfully.

"I told you to help me, so I invited you to dinner."

"You want to treat me to dinner, next time." Nie Hong put his hand on Lan Hao's shoulder and stepped into the elevator first.

She walked in: "But...."

This surprised her, she thought she would be slaughtered, but she escaped.

"A man who invites girls to treat him is not a good man, right, Xiao Haozi."

"Hmm." Nodding in agreement.

Now Ye Ziye felt embarrassed, and scolded them thousands of times before.

It seems that Nie Hong is not bad.

[—Ye Xiwei's original *** Tencent first release —].
Zuo Zhe has been on strike recently, taking his hands off the affairs of Baihutang.

In the past, for the work of the gang, it was commonplace to skip classes, arrive late and leave early.

The whole school is within the sphere of influence of Baihutang, so the teachers of the school naturally turn their eyes on him and let him come and go as he pleases.

Now he goes to school on time and leaves school on time. He listens carefully in class and takes notes.

Just like a good student who is eager to learn and make progress.

Don't say that the teacher and classmates are not used to it, even Qin Jun, who is at the same table, finds it extremely weird.

In the past, he would hand in his homework, but he would hand it in late. Now he is the first one to hand in his homework.

In the past, I did not review or attend lectures in the exams, and maintained a medium level, neither good nor bad.

The final exam this time... unexpectedly ranked in the top three in the whole class.

When Shan Nantao reported the horrific news at the other end, Qin Jun just spit out all the tea he wanted to swallow.

Appears in the shape of a trumpet, and all of it is sprayed out of the mouth without leaving a drop.

Zuo Zhe, who had been on strike for ten days, was currently chewing on the sofa with a book in his hands. Hearing the noise beside him, he slowly raised his doubtful eyes.

Finally, his gaze settled on the wet glass countertop, on which a few drops of water were scattered on the covers of several books.

He frowned, just about to speak.

Qin Jun immediately rushed to say: "Ahem..., I'm sorry, I will wipe it off for you." Pressing his coughing mouth, he ran into the kitchen to get a rag.

When he ran out again, Zuo Zhe said, "Don't you need to go back to the guild to do business?"

[Hehe, today’s tenth update is completed, our game rules remain the same, a few comments and several updates, the six people who left comments yesterday can’t leave any more comments, and those who leave comments, you can’t just write simple words such as quick update, good-looking, etc. Write your opinion, it can be concise, but you can't popularize the few sentences that look good and update quickly.Now we understand, I am waiting... 】

(End of this chapter)

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