Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 432 Follow their wishes

Chapter 432 Follow their wishes

The sound of the siren was already around the corner, Yan Xiaozhu gritted his teeth and nodded in agreement.

It seems that she is going to call back to the United States and ask Simon to find a way to get her out of the prison of the Public Security Bureau through relationships.

Perhaps the penalty for illegal possession of a gun would not be so severe.

It is best to solve it with money.

A black Audi R8 drifted out of the corner and stopped beside them.

Nie Hong and Lan Hao lost the cute smiles they had in the past, and their expressions were serious and could not be refuted: "Get in the car!"

"I want to go back..." Ye Ziye was anxious.

"I'll take you there, get in the car quickly." Nie Hong took her away.

So Yan Xiaozhu quickly pulled her into the rear compartment.

When the Audi flew away, I saw two vehicles from the Public Security Bureau heading towards the van.

How dangerous!
Not far from the turn of the vehicle was the place where Zuo Zhe was thrown off the vehicle.

At this time, Zuo Zhe and the young man in black were no longer seen, but He Binxian and Song Jian who were catching up later.

They stand among the crowd.

Ye Ziye signaled Nie Hong to drive the car over, and she poked her head out of the car window: "Did you see Zuo Zhe?"

"Midnight? Are you okay?" The two of them were overjoyed.

She was anxious: "Where is Zuo Zhe?"

"Just left." Song Jian pointed in the direction ahead: "It seems that he was seriously injured and was carried into the car by several people."

Ye Ziye felt his hands and legs become abnormally cold: "Go, let's chase after him."

"Two black sports cars, tail codes 736 and 921." He Binxian looked at the tears on her face, and his heart twitched: "Go quickly."

"Thank you!" Ye Ziye closed the window and the car left quickly.

Lan Hao turned around and looked at her, comforting: "Don't worry, it should be fine."

He and Nie Hong have been hiding far away, watching the progress of the matter.

They never imagined that the young man would leap onto the vehicle regardless of his body.

In fact, they have been following and watching the movement of those people for many days, and learned that they will act to arrest Ye Ziye today.

Therefore, they resorted to tricks, hoping to take this opportunity to let Yan Xiaozhu reveal his identity.

In fact, the plan went their way.

Yan Xiaozhu made a move, holding a gun and shooting the wheel, which really surprised them.

(End of this chapter)

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