Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 433 Moving forward?left?To the right?

Chapter 433 Moving forward?left?To the right?

Such a quick-witted, resolute and fearless bodyguard, such a young girl, has superb fisting skills and calm and free analysis ability.

At the critical juncture, Ye Ziye was rescued from the gangsters with all his might.

Both Yan Xiaozhu and Zuo Zhe moved them deeply.

In fact, Yan Xiaozhu and Zuo Zhe didn't make a move. Even if the van successfully took away Ye Ziye, they would follow and rescue her.

It's just that the plan can never catch up with the changes and developments of things, and Zuo Zhe's life and death are not what they want.

The car walked along the front, and the two black sports cars were still invisible at the fork.

"What should I do?" Nie Hongsha stopped in front of the traffic lights.

Forward?left?To the right?

Ye Ziye suddenly remembered the last time Zuo Zhe took her to the hospital to see cousin Zhong Cheng for healing.

"City People's Hospital."

Nie Hong, Lan Hao and Yan Xiaozhu all looked at her in astonishment.

Lan Hao denied: "It's impossible to go to a big hospital."

Nie Hong reminded her: "If things get serious, people from the Public Security Bureau will definitely go to the hospital to investigate."

She said irrefutably, "Let's go and have a look first."

Zhong Cheng and Zuo Zhe are cousins, plus he is the vice president of the hospital, so it is easy to conceal the information of the injured patients.

It's just that she was afraid that they would hide him away and refused to tell her about this outsider.

Suddenly she thought of someone, took out her mobile phone and called Qin Jun: "Xiao Qin, Zhehe..."

"I already know." Qin Jun's anxious and worried voice came from the other end, not forgetting to comfort her: "Don't worry, he just passed out."

"where is he?"

"Just arrived at the Municipal People's Hospital."

it is as expected.

"I'll be there soon, what room are you in?"

"I'm still on my way. It was his bodyguard who reported the information." Qin Jun was equally anxious.

At this time, a royal blue sports car was in front of them, driving from east to west, heading straight for the Municipal People's Hospital.

Body and license plate numbers flash by.

Ye Ziye hung up the phone, pointed at the royal blue sports car: "Follow it."

That is Qin Jun's sports car.

I didn't expect him to come so fast and in such a timely manner.

Nie Hong accelerated to follow.

One blue and one black, a fast-moving sports car.

(End of this chapter)

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