Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 443 I'm giggling

Chapter 443 I'm giggling
Her parents were illegal immigrants from the United States who smuggled out of the country before she was born, and she has been living in a foreign country since birth.

This is her first time setting foot in China, her hometown.

She has an American driver's license, but not a Chinese one.

In order to facilitate tracking and protection of Ye Ziye, Simon specially helped her obtain fake identification documents, including the necessary driver's license and Chinese ID card.

Ye Ziye bounced off hearing the words, looked Yan Xiaozhu up and down, left and right, and finally fixed her gaze on her face: "You, ten, eight, years old?"

No matter how you look at it, the person Yan Xiaozhu doesn't look like should be of the same age as him.

Impossible, impossible to be two years older than her.

The corners of Yan Xiaozhu's mouth curled up, and he smiled proudly: "I look more... tender."

She was angry: "I rely on it."

"What do you rely on?"

"It doesn't depend on anything." Ye Ziye looked away discouraged, and took the lead towards the entrance of the alley.

Originally, she thought that if she was older than Yan Xiaozhu, if she was asked to call her sister in the future, she would go east if she was told to go east, and if she was asked to go west, she would go west.

Let her drive the sports car, and let her drive the car unconditionally.

This is called respecting the elders, the traditional virtues of the Chinese people, we must not forget our roots.


His mother's, cheating her feelings, making her happy in vain, hmph, contempt and contempt.

The two walked out of the alley one after the other, and stood on the side of the road where people were coming and going.

Yan Xiaozhu has a bad habit, that is, he has been a professional spy team for too long, so he is careful and careful in everything.

Like her sports car, it will never be parked in the same place more than three times.

Park at the intersection today, park at the next street tomorrow, and park at the next intersection the day after tomorrow...  

Ye Ziye wondered if one day, she suddenly forgot where she parked the car yesterday?

So I searched for my car all over the street.

Searched and searched like a madman, still can't find it....

Finally, I found out that my vehicle was forcibly towed away because of illegal parking.

Hehe, thinking of this, Ye Ziye couldn't help but giggled again.

Yan Xiaozhu sighed softly, watching her sometimes contemplating and sometimes giggling, she couldn't laugh or cry.

(End of this chapter)

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