Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 444 Hey!little sister

Chapter 444 Hey!little sister

Yan Xiaozhu often thinks, what is Ye Ziye's structure?
Rebellious and arrogant personality, kind-hearted and filial, eccentric thoughts and behaviors are difficult to guess, always making some inexplicable thoughts and words.

Want to be angry?But she couldn't make others really angry with her.

She has a very special quality, if you get close to her, you will be deeply attracted to her.

I am happy for her joy, sad for her sorrow, and also for the disaster she caused, willing to be a strong backing to help her settle the aftermath.

She not only attracts the opposite sex, but also attracts the same sex. There is Zuo Zhe in the front and Yan Xiaozhu in the back.

In fact, in the final analysis, she is just a 16-year-old yellow-haired girl who doesn't understand the world.

A silver-white Ferrari FF, super stylish with a strong and steady swing tail, the wheels tightly gripped the ground, and accurately and horizontally stopped in front of the two of them.

Sitting in the driver's seat was an unusually handsome young man. He took off the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, revealing a pair of deep and shrewd black pupils.

He raised the corner of his mouth and smiled charmingly: "Hey! Little sister."

Ye Ziye put her face down: "Please call me Ziye."

"Just because I call you Ziye doesn't mean you really call me Ziye." Her thin lips were also beautiful, slightly parted to tease her: "Just as we call you a lunatic, it doesn't mean that person is really a lunatic."

If it is about bickering, no one will be his opponent unless he has the heart to handicap.

Ye Ziye's expression became even more unhappy, and he drove him away viciously: "There is something to announce, nothing to retreat to."

I was watching "Looking for Qin Ji" recently, and learned a few ancient Chinese words.

"Hehe." On the side seat next to the handsome man was a beautiful woman, which was an indispensable part.

The beauty covered her mouth and laughed softly, looking at her with big eyes as tender as autumn water, and asked softly and gracefully: "Ziye, the bridesmaid dress we ordered for you has been flown back from France today, do you have any?" Is it time to try it with us?"

That's right!

It was Season and his fiancée, Lan Xin, who came here.

In fact, you don't need to look at people, you only need to look at the car to identify who is coming.

What solution?

Because in the whole province, even in the whole country, only Season owns Ferrari FF.

(End of this chapter)

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