Chapter 445
This super sports car, the Ferrari FF, is not yet available in China. It was ordered by his old man when he went to Geneva to watch the auto show, and then he spent a huge sum of money to transport it back by air.

These days, newspapers and magazines are dominated by Nie Xichen, the grandson of Nie's parents.

It has to be said that he is a high-profile person who does things with a high profile.

Lan Xin always speaks in a soft tone, not tepid, with a well-behaved and beautiful face, and her smile remains unchanged.

A stunning beauty with both talent and looks!
Although there are not many opportunities to meet Lan Xin, Ye Ziye likes this sister-in-law very much.

It's not for anything else, just because she can always drive Season into a state of insanity without any effort, and the army is defeated like a mountain.

She especially appreciates Lan Xin's attitude in dealing with things, especially her elegance, tranquility, calmness and composure, which is unchanging in front of the mountains.

Compared with her, I am like a frizzy child.

Hey, let's compare.

Seeing her distressed face, Lan Xin cared softly, "What's the matter? Are you feeling unwell?"

Yan Xiaozhu remained silent the whole time, but she had already quickly looked at the two people in the car.

It turned out that he was Ye Ziye's elder brother, that is to say, he was her employer.

In the past, I always saw his figure from a long distance, but today I saw him up close, and he was a dazzling and beautiful man.

Season seemed to notice her gaze, and glanced back sharply and appreciatively.

After a while, he seemed to understand her identity and remained silent.

Ye Ziye on the other side immediately answered her sister-in-law's question obediently: "No, I was just thinking that it's not convenient for me to attend your wedding. I don't think I..."

Lan Xin snatched her away: "Xichen and I really want you to come, don't worry, as long as you don't want to, no one will know your identity."

"I..." Ye Ziye looked very embarrassed.

There is no way anyone can resist how beautiful the little beauty is.

Season can't, and neither can Ye Ziye.

Lan Xin blinked her beautiful eyes, smart and beautiful, with a pleading tone: "Tell everyone that you are my junior sister from the same school, is this okay?"

Can she say no?
"Okay." She agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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