Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 448 Have you never seen a beautiful woman?

Chapter 448 Have you never seen a beautiful woman?
But this guy often hides his secrets, and maybe his handball skills are very good.

Be careful, you must not fall into his tricks.

Who is Zuo Zhe?

Growing up in an environment mixed with dragons and snakes, he has been with people from three mountains and five mountains, and has seen a lot.

No matter how cunning and cunning a person is, he can't escape his eyes, let alone a mere little girl, Ye Ziye?
He saw her hesitation, and shrugged indifferently: "If you surrender without a fight, I won't make fun of you, because...!"

I love you!
Three words, he mouthed to her provocatively, full of provocation.

The two of them were facing each other, legs leaning against each other, so close to each other. In broad daylight, when friends gathered around him, he uttered these three romantic and poetic words.

Said silently.

How sweet and warm and romantic!

It's just that he doesn't deserve to be beaten, with a ruffian smile, and an extremely arrogant face.

Really annoying!
She snorted coldly and turned her face away.

The face that was pretending to be angry was slightly flushed, and the heartbeat came unexpectedly, accelerating and accelerating.

The corners of the mouth were raised, and the suppressed smile finally broke out and turned into a bright and shy smile.

So Zuo Zhe's tough and ruthless handsome face also melted away, and the two of them smiled in unison.

In midsummer in August, the sun was shining brightly and the heat was unstoppable, but it couldn't stop their tacit love for each other.

Qin Yi and Jiang Yaoyao came back covered in sweat.

"Ouch, I'm so tired and hot!" The two beauties with different temperaments put down their tennis rackets, fell into the chairs and didn't want to move anymore.

"Why don't you book an indoor venue?" Qin Yi unscrewed the cap of the water bottle, raised her head and drank a few gulps.

Ye Ziye felt a little guilty.

She originally planned to take advantage of playing tennis to tan Yan Xiaozhu, who was white and clean.

As a result, the old man held on to the sun umbrella and didn't even look at you from the corner of her eyes.

Very proud.

Instead, Qin Yi and Jiang Yaoyao, who were delicate and didi, were so red in the sun, it was really a sin.

Jiang Yaoyao also asked: "Who is in charge of booking the venue today?"

Zuo Zhe blinked innocently, and cast his eyes in Ye Ziye's direction.

Ye Ziye stared back viciously: What are you looking at?Have you ever seen a beauty?
(End of this chapter)

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