Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 449 Hey, I got caught!

Chapter 449 Hey, I got caught!

Zuo Zhe sneered and moved his eyes away, facing the direction of the empty field, his chin raised arrogantly: "How is it? Do you want to compete?"

It successfully changed the topic and everyone's attention.

Ye Ziye had no choice but to risk her life to accompany the gentleman: "Who is afraid of whom?"

Holding the tennis racket, two people in sportswear stood on one side of the net.

The man is handsome and extraordinary, and the woman is handsome and charming.

Across the net, Zuo Zhe put the tennis racket on his shoulder, put his other hand on his waist, and reappeared his evil smile: "Do you dare to take a gamble?"

"Does your family run a casino? You just gamble when you open your mouth." Ye Ziye couldn't help but hurt him.

She was wearing a white tracksuit with red stripes on the skirt and sleeves.

The clothes set off her slender figure, tall and fit, with a fiery personality in her purity.

Zuo Zhe was not angry, he shrugged his shoulders indifferently: "It's fine if you don't gamble."

After he finished speaking and turned his back to her and walked into the arena, Ye Ziye hurriedly yelled at him: "If you want to gamble, I will accompany you."

Zuo Zhe, who was carrying her behind his back, raised a tricky smile at the corner of his mouth.

Hey, it was tricked!

He still pretended not to be in a hurry, turned his face slightly and looked at her: "I'm afraid you won't dare to do it."

"Haha!" Ye Ziye raised his head and laughed wildly, and quickly stopped smiling, very serious and domineering: "Is there anything I dare not do?"

So he turned around and approached her, his voice was not too loud, just enough for the two of them to hear: "If you lose, you will say to me every day for the next month, 'Xiao Zhe, I love you very much!'."

As soon as these words came out, Ye Ziye almost became angry.

He made things difficult for her on purpose, knowing that she has a casual personality, usually carefree, not a flirtatious, hypocritical person, but let her say "I love you" every day.

Just thinking about it made her feel numb and shiver all over.

It was one thing to hear him tell her, it was another thing to lose a bet and be forced to say it.

He was clearly playing tricks on her and knew she couldn't do it.

She glared at him hard, gnashing her teeth angrily.

Damn guy.

Well, let's see who is more ruthless.

Ye Ziye quickly returned to normal color, tilted her head and smiled, "If you lose, just say one sentence every day."

[Ten more, I'm so tired, no more updates, see you tomorrow. 】

(End of this chapter)

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