Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 456 How Can You Let Her Run Away?

Chapter 456 How Can You Let Her Run Away?
She blinked hard at him, looking at him pitifully, like a homeless kitten.

Zuo Zhe smiled, patted her on the head, and gave her a gift like a pet at home: "If you don't say it today, you will still say it tomorrow; if you don't say it tomorrow, you will still say it the day after tomorrow. Anyway, if you say it one day later, you will complete the task one day later. Xiao Ye , 30 days, thirty times. You said earlier that we would be freed sooner."

He spoke in a very aggrieved and reluctant manner, but the smile on his real face widened, and he almost didn't laugh wildly.

Everyone was so curious, Jiang Yaoyao pulled the corner of Zuo Zhe's clothes and asked, "Brother Zhe, what are you talking about?"

"Yes, what are you betting on?" Shan Nantao scratched his head.

Qin Yi asked: "What thirty times in 30 days?"

Only Yan Xiaozhu and Qin Jun looked at the show and watched everyone asking questions in silence.

They are all smart people, and they must bet that Ye Ziye, who lost, would say something that she couldn't say.

Now everyone is joining in the fun, and with Ye Ziye's character, I'm afraid it will take some time for them to pull it out.

Her ever-changing face alone is already very ticklish for the reason.

"Are you bothered?" Ye Ziye suddenly felt his face burn. Fortunately, his face was already flushed red after being exposed to the sun and exercising.

She patted Zuo Zhe's arm off, pretended to pack her things, and took the opportunity to change the subject: "I'm hungry, shall we go eat?"

No one answered her.

She turned her face to look back.

Zuo Zhe looked at her with his arms crossed, and smiled maliciously: "You said it, let's go eat again."

The others all stood on both sides of him, nodding vigorously in unison.

Ouch, everyone is very curious about what the two bet on.

"Tomorrow." Ye Ziye yelled, "I'll tell you tomorrow."

Let's talk about it today.

He didn't give up, and shook his head: "No, tomorrow and tomorrow."

He thought hard, waiting for this opportunity and this moment.

How can I let her run away?
"Really, I'll tell you tomorrow." She begged for mercy.

So many people, let her go.

"Okay, no problem." Zuo Zhe had a negotiable face, and when she was happy, he added: "It's just what I said tomorrow, I have to say that sentence twice."

For a long time, Ye Ziye stared at him with itchy teeth, narrowed his eyes, and spelled out a word between his teeth: "Okay."

(End of this chapter)

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