Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 457 Who Is That Boy?

Chapter 457 Who Is That Boy?

Damn guy, as cunning as an old fox.

Zuo Zhe nodded in satisfaction, let her go temporarily, and told everyone to pack up and leave.

When they came out of the club, everyone had washed off their sweat and put on clean and fresh clothes.

Only Yan Xiaozhu didn't change, because she wore black clothes before taking a bath, and black clothes after taking a bath.

The same dress.

Zuo Zhe went to checkout with Ye Ziye in his arms, Qin Jun and the others went to the parking lot to pick up the car, and met at the A.Cup restaurant.

When checking out, Zuo Zhe's cell phone rang. He pinched the cigarette in his mouth with his left hand, and turned on the cell phone with his right hand to answer the call.

The front desk lady of the club handed over the bill, and Zuo Zhe took out his wallet with his hand holding the cigarette, somewhat in the way.

Seeing this, Ye Ziye took his wallet and took out a gold card to pay the bill.

"How much are those shops worth?... Well, okay, you can take a lawyer over there tomorrow and draw up a contract for me.... Well, buy it in my name." Zuo Zhe was talking with two things in mind. On the phone, while lowering his head to sign the bill.

He answered the phone with the hand holding the cigarette, quickly signed with his right hand, and after signing, he signaled Ye Ziye to help him get the gold card.

He walked straight towards the trash can, and threw away the cigarette butt in his hand: "The matter must be done in secret, and the slightest bit of information must not be leaked, and the Chief Hall Master must not let them know."

On the other side, Ye Ziye collected Zuo Zhe's gold card and bill receipt, and walked towards Zuo Zhe.

"Yes, just do as I want." Zuo Zhe was still talking about business.

He reached out and took her little hand, and the two left the club together.

At this time, two noble ladies came from the corridor, and they looked at the leaving figure solemnly.

"Gu Ya, it turns out that your daughter already has a boyfriend." Yi Hong was a little annoyed: "You don't have to push back and forth and say that Zi Ye is young, just say that you are defenseless."

"I, I..." Ye Guya was speechless.

This was the first time she saw her daughter holding hands with the opposite sex, and she paid for him.

Who is that boy?

Looking at the side face, it looks familiar, but I can't remember it for a while.

"It's in vain that my family, Yongchen, misses her day and night." Yi Hong waved her sleeves angrily and left.

"Listen to me, I really don't know." Ye Guya hastily chased after her and explained, "It might be a misunderstanding. When I get home and ask, I will definitely give you an explanation."

"Needless to say."

[Reiterating that because I am not a professional writer, I can only spare time to code words at night, so ten chapters is the limit. Sometimes it may be seven chapters if I am too busy, but seven chapters are guaranteed. Please understand, don’t rush me, hurry up The quality will deteriorate, and the word count will be made up, but you don’t want to do this, haha, today is over, and tomorrow will continue. 】

(End of this chapter)

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