Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 458 She Was Really Not Reconciled

Chapter 458 She Was Really Not Reconciled
Yi Hong completely ignored Ye Guya, which made her panic.

After Qiu Yongchen came from a wealthy family, it was rare for him to fall in love with Ziye at first sight and fall in love at second sight.

Even though he failed to make appointments with his daughter again and again, he still waited hard for the good news.

She had always hoped that her daughter could marry the Qiu family, so that she could hold her head up, no longer need to bear the notoriety of being an illegitimate daughter, and have a foothold in the upper class.

She also felt comforted.

What's more, maybe, relying on the wealth and power of the Qiu family, she, the mother-in-law of the Qiu family, could occupy a place in the Nie family.

With their approval, he could even sit on an equal footing with He Yanran.

She herself is not very capable, so she can only rely on her daughter to marry well and earn face for her to seek justice.

She admits that she is selfish, but she is really unwilling to lose to He Yanran for the rest of her life.

In terms of ability, she is not as shrewd as He Yanran.

When it comes to children, Nie Xichen is a legend that Nie Xichen cannot surpass.

She can only, can only consider from the perspective of her daughter's lifelong events, and she hopes that her daughter can win her breath no matter what.

"Yi Hong, Yi Hong..." She chased after her closely.

[—Ye Xiwei's original *** Tencent first release —].
After dinner, everyone continued to have fun and went to the Sunset Bar for a beer.

The boss Zhong Cheng is not here tonight, so no one dares to stop the immature Ye Ziye from entering the arena.

They sang and guessed songs in the suite, and they didn't leave until twelve o'clock in the middle of the night.

At this time, Ye Ziye was a little drunk, leaning on the seat of the sports car and snoring, between sober and drunk.

Originally, Yan Xiaozhu could send her back, but Zuo Zhe insisted that he escort her.

So three people and two cars went back to the old house.

On the way, Ye Ziye suddenly said: "Actually, this is very good now."

"Are you awake?" He reached out and flicked her bangs.

She followed his hand and turned her face to him: "Zuo Zhe, do you have the life you want to live?"

"Everyone has."

"What kind of life do you want to live?"

"Well, ordinary civilians." He thought for a while: "Like the classmates in the class, in a well-to-do family, parents and brothers and sisters live together."

There is no bloody storm, no rain of bullets, and no intrigue between you and me.

No guns, no drugs, no knives, no bosses, no gangsters, no gangs.

Just an ordinary self, even without superb boxing skills.

(End of this chapter)

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