Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 460 Promise her the future?

Chapter 460 Promise her the future?
Several sports cars drove towards them, whistling by, the glare hurt the eyes of the two, and at the same time they woke up.

Zuo Zhe glanced at her from the side, his handsome face like an ice sculpture melted instantly, revealing a trace of tenderness and love. He crossed the space between the two seats with his right hand, took her cool little hand, and held it tightly.

She also looked at him sideways, showing him a cute and obedient smile.

His hands were tightening, and hers were also tightening.

Two hearts convey this needless love through both hands.

"Leave everything here in the future, let's go to Miami or Hawaii, open a small shop or bar, and live a life of freedom and relaxation."

He smiled and said, his eyes turned into a puddle of tenderness like water, looking forward to the world of the two beautifully.

No, or three, four....

As long as she is willing, they can have children in groups, entwined around their knees, and live the tedious lives of ordinary people.

Ye Ziye was slightly startled at first, but then came to understand.

Is he promising her the future?
Her face turned red inexplicably, that kind of life was also what she wanted to live, going to a place that no one knew, and living the life she wanted to live.

Without Nie Shi, without Nie Fan, without Ye Guya, without their trembling and accusations.

Just everything she wants.

Zuo Zhe looked at her again and saw that she didn't object, so he asked, "OK? Are you willing?"

She is only 16 years old, will she use her age to push Tang him again?
He knew that he was a little impatient, but he knew that she was an ignorant girl, and if he didn't hold her tightly to promise the future, he was afraid that she, who was like a wild horse, would leave him alone.

Now that you have found what you love, why not hold each other's hearts well?

People like them who value love, righteousness and commitment regard friendship as more important than life.

Heart, once handed over, life and death will follow.

Ye Ziye's eyelids drooped slightly, and her slender and thick eyelashes trembled slightly. Under the flickering street lights, she became extraordinarily charming and charming.

Is it really possible to live like that?
Is it really possible to live simply?
I thought of Ye Guya's face again, the indecisive Nie Fan, and the loving Season.

Leaving them, throwing off the shackles on the body, the sky and the sea are free.

No need to sneak around and do what she wants.

(End of this chapter)

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