Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 461 A Young Man With a Hooligan Aura

Chapter 461 A Young Man With a Hooligan Aura

The reddish cheeks suddenly turned pale, she motioned for Zuo Zhe to unlock the car, and she quickly opened the door to get out.

Having grown up so much, it was the first time I felt cramped like a little girl who did something wrong: "Mom? You, why are you here?"

Usually in the middle of the night, Ye Guya seldom goes out, and always sits in the hall waiting for her to come home.

Ye Guya stared wide-eyed, pulled her daughter behind her, and stared at Zuo Zhe who got off the car on the other side: "Who are you?"

It was him, the young man I saw at the tennis club today.

A young man with a rascal aura, exuding a wild and unruly temperament.

A guy who makes his daughter pay the bills, smokes in fancy places, and has no manners.

How could he be allowed to associate with his own daughter?

Her Xi Wei is the daughter of the Nie family, and in the future she can only associate with the son or brother who matches her.

Like Qiu Yongchen who is gentle and polite, or He Binxian who is warm and polite, only their family status can marry the Nie family.

Zuo Zhe was slightly stunned, but after hearing Ye Ziye calling his mother, he walked towards her friendly and introduced himself: "Hi aunt, my name is Zuo Zhe, please give me your advice."

But who is our Zuo Zhe?

Growing up in the underworld, with a cold and proud face, even with a friendly smile, his restrained majesty still makes people shudder.

What's more, the timid and innocent Yeguya is just a lady who grew up in a greenhouse.

Facing Zuo Zhe with such a strong aura, his originally angry face suddenly became timid and fearful.

"Don't come here, stop." Ye Guya looked frightened and brave: "I warn you, don't come to my daughter again."

"Mom." Ye Ziye whispered: "What are you talking about? He, he is my...friend."

Zuo Zhe raised his eyebrows, as if he had objections to the word friend: "Friend?"

Ye Ziye was a little embarrassed, and winked at him, hoping that he would not make trouble now, and walked home while holding Ye Guya's hand: "Mom, let's go home."

He shrugged his shoulders very helplessly, never thought that Ye Ziye, who was not afraid of anything, was afraid of her mother, a woman who was not vicious in any way.

There are mothers and no boyfriends.

Hey, this little girl hurt his heart too much.

(End of this chapter)

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