Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 470 He's too lazy to leave tonight

Chapter 470 He's too lazy to leave tonight
Ye Ziye suddenly raised his left leg and kicked the unsuspecting Zuo Zhe out of bed: "It's night, get out."

There was a thunder on the ground.

Zuo Zhe, who was kicked to the ground, caressed his painful buttocks, his teeth itched from the pain: "Are you stupid? It hurts me to death."

Rolling up from the ground, he looked even more embarrassed when he was "not" neatly dressed, staring at Ye Ziye angrily.

I saw her laughing happily, venting her dissatisfaction just now, and she was suddenly happy: "I said earlier that my bed is too small, it can't fit two people, but you didn't listen, SEE, I was squeezed down. "

The look you deserve.

Zuo Zhe narrowed his eyes, in exchange for his displeasure: "If you dare to kick me again, see if I will spare you."

After speaking, he rolled back cheekily, squeezed against her body, and found a comfortable position to lie down.

"Aren't you going home?" She was also unhappy.

"I'm tired, I won't go back." He was still stroking his painful buttocks, turning his face sideways, not seeing clearly.

How could he forget that she was not wearing anything under the sheets.

Ye Ziye stretched out his long legs and kicked his feet: "Go back quickly, you smell like alcohol, it stinks!"

"Aren't you the same?" He decided to be too lazy to leave tonight.

"Ouch, are you really not leaving?" She scratched her hair frantically.

Yan Xiaozhu lived on the opposite wall, and I'm afraid she could hear what happened on their side.

The two lonely men and widows live together in a room, which is a laughing stock.

Although Yan Xiaozhu is not a gossip woman, she can avoid it if she can.

However, Zuo Zhe seems to be addicted to sleeping. He slept once last time and came again this time. If things go on like this, wouldn't her room become his hotel?

If you like it, come and stay for a night or two.

The most important problem is that she is not used to sleeping with two people, especially the bed is too narrow and small, she can't sleep well and restlessly.

When Ye Ziye was about to attack, Zuo Zhe suddenly turned around, stretched out his right hand to pull her quilt without saying a word.

As soon as she pulled it, she felt a chill in her chest, and looked down, she saw the naked body in front of her.

"Ah!" she screamed, and hurriedly pulled back the quilt.

He smiled, and stretched out his hand to pull again.

In the next second, Ye Ziye jumped out of bed, hugged a quilt and hurried into the bathroom.

He closed the door forcefully, and cursed through the crack: "Rogue, hooligan, bastard."

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1. Please support the genuine version, please support the genuine version, please support the genuine version, and say important things three times.

2. Weiwei's QQ number is 307050976. If you add it but do not accept it, please add more until I accept you. Don't be shy.

3. Recommend Ye Xiwei's finished articles "Heart Marriage: Falling in Love with the Young Mistress Who Runs Away", "77 Days of Hidden Marriage: Quan Shao's 108 Billion Private Pet", "Mysterious Husband's Strong Pet: 100 Times Love You", "Chasing Wife for [-] Days: Male God" Every book is created by Weiwei with heart. It is absolutely wonderful and not to be missed. After reading it, you will know that there is no mistake in the introduction, hehe.

4. Because a lot of indescribable content was deleted, the number of words was reduced. Everyone will just read it and make up their own brains, okay?I did not have enough words to fill the number of words after I edited the article. I don’t count the money. Please ignore me and turn to the next page. Thank you. The author who worked hard to edit the article can’t afford to be hurt.

(End of this chapter)

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