Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 471 Where did the men's pajama pants come from?

Chapter 471 Where did the men's pajama pants come from?

Then there was the sound of running water, and I probably ran to take a bath.

Zuo Zhe laughed happily and yelled inside: "Did you bring your pajamas? Or run out naked in a while..."

Before he could finish speaking, Ye Ziye slammed open the bathroom door, his clothes had been put on neatly, he held the quilt in his hand, and threw it at him forcefully.

Accompanied by a vicious look.

Zuo Zhe, who was caught in the blanket with a smile on his face, lazily pulled down the blanket and saw her standing in front of the closet looking for pajamas.

"Hey, get me some pajama pants by the way." He also wanted to take a bath and change out of his old clothes.

"Where can I find you?" Crazy.

A room full of women, where do men's pajama pants come from?
"..." He thought about what to say, then suddenly looked towards the door.

There was a knock on the door, and Ye Guya's voice said, "Xiaoxi, are you okay? What happened just now?"

Ye Ziye froze, turned his body mechanically, saw that Zuo Zhe had jumped up, and quickly dodged into the bathroom.

"Mom, I'm fine." She heard the doorknob being twisted.

"Why is the door locked?"

Fortunately, when he entered the room just now, he locked the doorknob. Ye Ziye heaved a sigh of relief, and rushed forward to open the door: "I just wanted to take a shower and go to bed. Mom, why haven't you slept yet?"

"I heard a loud bang, and then I seemed to hear you yelling." Yeguya looked into the room, and then fixed her eyes on her daughter: "I'm afraid there will be a thief or something, are you really okay?"

"No, really not.... Just now I fell out of bed by myself, and then I screamed in fright when I saw the cockroach." She smiled and pushed her mother out: "Go to sleep."

"It turned out to be like this." Ye Guya's gaze stayed on the hickey on her daughter's neck, thinking that she would find someone to find out about Zuo Zhe tomorrow.

If the family conditions are good, quickly complete a good thing for the two, so that the daughter will not be born out of wedlock like myself in the future.

"Mom, good night!"

"good night!"

The door of the room was closed again, Ye Ziye let out a long breath, she was so careless, she even forgot that her mother and Aunt Huan lived downstairs.

She returned to the closet side again, and heard the sound of water in the bathroom, accompanied by Zuo Zhe's humming.

This guy actually... robbed her of the bathroom.

(End of this chapter)

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