Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 490 She Must Beat Him Up

Chapter 490 She Must Beat Him Up

She looked at the people who had disappeared, and then at Zuo Zhe, with a look of inexplicable anxiety waiting for an order. She tugged at the corner of Zuo Zhe's clothes, pointed to herself and asked silently: What about me?

The corner of Zuo Zhe's mouth raised an evil smile, and he reached out to knock her on the head: "It's not for you."

How could he put her at risk?

In the past, it wasn't a deep love, but when he just liked it, he liked the thrill of her following him to advance and retreat together, meeting gods and killing gods, meeting Buddhas and killing Buddhas.

It's different now, now he is very afraid of her being hurt, and will never let her have a chance to be in danger.

Let her come here today, just let her have a good time, so as not to scold him for not taking her with him afterwards.

Just because she came doesn't mean she can take part in the action.

Look at him, isn't he also waiting with her?

Ye Ziye frowned, and murmured in displeasure: I want to go, I want to catch the guy in charge of driving with my own hands.

It was that person that Zuo Zhe was thrown out of the road.

She had to beat him up.

Zuo Zhe looked at her grinning, smiled and motioned to Yan Xiaozhu behind him to help watch her so that she wouldn't do bad things for a while.

At the same time, there was the sound of fighting upstairs, and the door of the room opened accordingly.

Xiao He came out of the house, waved to Zuo Zhe and the others, and disappeared through the door.

"Go." Zuo Zhe raised his chin and stepped into the house first.

Ye Ziye and Yan Xiaozhu rushed into the house, seeing the young man who was exploring the road rushing up the stairs, Zuo Zhe was searching the room and the kitchen.

Without saying a word, she ran to the stairs. At this time, the sound of fighting upstairs became louder and louder, mixed with the sound of chopping each other with knives and sticks.

Ye Ziye felt his eyes go dark, and a hard object fell from the sky and fell to the ground near the tip of his nose.

She instinctively took a step back, and looked at the ground in shock, only to see Xiao He curled up there in pain.

She took a deep breath, and at the same time, a black shadow jumped down from upstairs, and stood firmly in front of Xiao He.

The four looked at each other, everyone was stunned.

"It's you!" She recognized that this person was the driver, which meant that he was the leader of the kidnappers.

"It's you!" The man in black also recognized her. They had repeatedly failed to kidnap their targets, but they never expected her to come to their door.

At this time, the two were close at hand, and they couldn't help but clenched their hands into fists, and attacked each other at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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