Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 491 Veterans belonging to the United States

Chapter 491 Veterans belonging to the United States

Fisting and kicking, fighting for several rounds in an instant, Yan Xiaozhu saw this and joined the melee.

The man in black didn't seem to be a fuel-efficient lamp, and he was more than capable of interspersing between the two of them. He took the opportunity to attack Ye Ziye, as if intending to capture her.

Zhao Zhao either grabs hands or shoulders, and when counterattacking Yan Xiaozhu, it is a round of strong kicks and sweeps, aiming to force her to leave.

Yan Xiaozhu secretly analyzed that this person's background is not simple, as can be seen from his skill and fierce movements.

Should belong to the veterans of the United States.

He kicked Yan Xiaozhu with one foot, and pressed his right hand towards Ye Ziye, and the eagle claws grabbed her arm with great force and viciousness.

"Ah!" Ye Ziye blinked in shock, but it was already too late.

Seeing the arm being caught, a slender and swift flying leg kicked the man in black's hand away.

At the same time, the lean and strong body stood in front of Ye Ziye, jumped up and kicked his legs, kicking the man in black back a few steps.

She was overjoyed: "Zuo Zhe!"

"Let me do it." He motioned her to step aside.

Zuo Zhe and the man in black looked at each other, weighing each other's weight.

The scene became chaotic. Xiao He, who had collapsed in the stairwell, got up, and the people fighting upstairs fled downstairs one after another.

In an instant, the [-]-square-meter hall was filled with swords, lights and swords, fists and feet, and the fight was indistinguishable.

The enemy has a dozen or so people, and the troops Zuo Zhe brought also have a dozen or so people.

The living room couldn't accommodate everyone, and the other party wanted to escape, so they chased while fighting, and spread to the alley outside the house.

The man in black and Zuo Zhe fought again, this time he couldn't gain the upper hand, and was forced to retreat by Zuo Zhe's tricks.

In the end, there was no way to retreat, he grabbed the furnishings in the living room and threw them at Zuo Zhe.

When Zuo Zhe dodged, he jumped out of the window from the house, and the other kidnappers wrapped him around him.

Seeing this, Ye Ziye quickly jumped out of the window, Yan Xiaozhu frowned, and jumped out after her.

Zuo Zhe couldn't call him back anymore, his whole face was black and blue, he pulled out the nunchaku from the back of his waist, swept down the kidnapper who was in the way, and jumped out of the window after him.

Outside the window is an alley, looking left and right is endless, and Ye Ziye and Yan Xiaozhu's shadows cannot be seen.

"Midnight?" He was anxious.

no respond.

He immediately ran towards one of the directions.

(End of this chapter)

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