Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 505 Season's younger sister?Nie Xiwei?

Chapter 505 Season's younger sister?Nie Xiwei?
Nie Hong, Nie Jiajun and Lan Hao on the other side were already dumbfounded with fright.

Season's sister?Nie Xiwei?
Isn't her name Ye Ziye?

"Today is my big day, and I have the right to invite whoever I want to attend the banquet."

Season has never been a fuel-efficient lamp, and has never been afraid to speak out to his mother about Ye Ziye's problems.

Even before the marriage, the two mothers and sons had a big fight on the morning of the first day of the new year about Ye Ziye's recognition of his ancestors and returning to his family. Later, they flew to France to persuade their mother.

It's a pity that He Yanran was very steadfast in her position as the youngest mistress of the Nie family, never giving in half a step, nor acknowledging Ye Ziye's identity.

It is even more explicit that Nie's Group will not give half of the shares to Ye Ziye.

"If you let her stay, then I'll go." He Yanran stared at Ye Ziye, who was the illegitimate daughter of the mistress who took her husband away.

For 16 years, she was like a thorn in her heart, stabbing her all over the body all the time.

Not her mother, she would not have lost her beloved husband.

If it wasn't for her, her Xichen would not lose her complete family.

How could she forgive their mother and daughter?How could she sit idly by and let her invade Nie's house?
"Mommy!" Season seemed to be in a dilemma, could it really be impossible to live in harmony?
After all, the sister is innocent, and they are all innocent.

He Yanran's hand was pulled, it was Nie Fan who held her, his voice was very firm and decisive: "Don't go. Xi Wei, you go home first."

A soft sentence hit Ye Ziye's body like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, making her black and scorched.

She sneered in her heart, this is the figure of an illegitimate daughter, how can she stand with them?

At a critical juncture, her so-called father was the first to expel her.

The entrances and exits of the lobby were crowded with people, and the guests walked by to congratulate them in an endless stream, and then looked at them strangely.

Soon they were greeted by Nie Zhenlong and his other two sons and daughter-in-law, Nie Baihao and Nie Guanjie, and entered the hall to be seated.

Ye Ziye took Season's hand away and smiled sweetly at him: "I'm going home."

She knew this was impossible, why was she so naive, thinking that Nie Fan would let her attend the wedding banquet of Nie's family.

Oh, she is so naive.

(End of this chapter)

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