Chapter 506 Who is it for?
For 16 years, Nie Fanhua tried her best to hide her identity, a secret that cannot be told to outsiders, an ugly illegitimate daughter of a wealthy family.

She was so out of tune with the prominent Nie family with assets exceeding billions.

She can't afford it at all.

Even, even attending the banquet as a friend is not allowed.

She was so self-deprecating and innocently laughing.

Ye Ziye endured the loss and pain in her heart. She never cared about the Nie family's giving and charity, and she never thought of being able to correct her identity.

She is her, Nie Fan is Nie Fan, and the people of the Nie family have nothing to do with her.

"No, you have to stay." Season knew that he was a little impulsive, and made such an unpleasant incident during the happy day with Lan Xin.

But he knew that it was on this important day that he could threaten his parents fearlessly and agree to his long-standing demands.

He didn't want much, just a younger sister, someone who could call her younger sister loudly in front of others.

She was his half-brother Nie Xiwei.

There is only one chance, after today, he will not force it again, so at this moment, he will not give up lightly.

He cast his eyes on his beloved wife, and seeing her supportive smile, the disappointment in his heart suddenly disappeared.

As long as Lan Xin stood by his side and supported him, it was enough.

Ye Ziye's hand was tightly held by Season again, her heart trembled and moved.

She looked at his extremely resolute eyes, and whispered in her heart: This is enough, as long as Season admits her is enough.

He Yanran's face became extremely ugly: "Xichen, do you really want to have my place at the wedding banquet? You never, never think about me?"

Her body trembled slightly. For 21 years, she endured shame and clinging to a marriage that existed in name only. Who was it for?
Isn't it him?Her only son, Nie Xichen.

She left the best Nie's Group to him, so that he can go smoothly in the future and sit firmly in the position of heir. How much pain and loneliness she has suffered.

She refused to divorce, refused to be pursued by other men, and anesthetized herself with endless work in France.

I hope that one day, he can fight for her.

(End of this chapter)

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