Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 512 I'm afraid the sky will be turned upside down

Chapter 512 I'm afraid the sky will be turned upside down

This time, I'm afraid the sky will be turned upside down.

"What happened last night?" Yeguya came back to her senses, and asked her anxiously: "I, I thought you were all in peace and drank the wedding wine, and I thought you were living in harmony with them."

It turned out that the daughter didn't drink the wedding wine at all, and was kicked out by the Nie family at the reception.

How does this embarrass the young daughter?What's more, things were exposed for no reason, what should we do in the future.

Ye Ziye frowned lightly, pursed her lips without humming, and looked at the photos in the newspaper again and again.

The thing she has always cared about the most is the identity of her illegitimate daughter.

What she hated most was her status as an illegitimate daughter.

The secret she had worked hard to hide for 16 years was nakedly revealed at the moment when she was most defenseless.

She put the newspaper down and took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down.

The phone rang, and she answered, "Hello."

"Have you read the newspaper?" Zuo Zhe's soft voice came, and she immediately found support, and her light body returned to gravity.


"I'll come pick you up."

She thought for a while: "No, I want to be with my mother."

"Well, remember to call me if you need anything."

"I know."

"With me here, you don't have to be afraid of anything."


At the same time Ye Ziye hung up the phone, Ye Guya's cell phone rang, and she looked down and muttered, "It's your father..., hello, Brother Fan!?...Um, okay,...uh."

She looked at her mother curiously, just a few simple words?

Ye Guya put the phone on the table: "Your father told us not to go out for the next two days to prevent the news media from following up and reporting. He and your brother have already started investigating the matter."

"Hmm." She nodded.

Given the prestige and reputation of the Nie family in this city, and their importance in the world, such a sensational news will definitely cause an uproar, and various newspapers will rush to report it.

Maybe the matter of the illegitimate daughter will affect the normal operation of the company.

Nie Fan, a dignified and modest gentleman.

The Nie family, a wealthy and noble family who strictly discipline themselves and others.

Nie's, a multinational group with an international reputation.

Since the establishment of the company, he has always been a healthy and positive image, and has been highly respected by his peers and recognized by other companies as a role model.

(End of this chapter)

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