Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 513 Bearing a lifetime of infamy

Chapter 513 Bearing a lifetime of infamy

However, the Nie family is wealthy and powerful, and their wealth is comparable to that of a country. There is probably nothing in the world that they cannot do.

The person who exposed this matter can't eat every minute.

"Eight Weekly", which has been reporting on Season before, is an example. I heard that Nie Zhenlong was angered, and the newspaper was checked and shut down.

This is the ability of rich people, moving a finger is enough to make you disappear without a trace.

She wasn't actually worried about things getting worse.

She was only worried about going back to school in the future, what kind of face everyone would treat her when they knew her identity.

The most unbearable thing for her is the strange stares of others. An illegitimate daughter, hmph, she bears a lifetime of infamy.

She went to kindergarten when she was a child, and she still vividly remembered the teasing and besieging by her classmates. The shame and disgust stabbed her heart like a sharp knife.

Bleeding and scarring, tearing open, bleeding and scarring again, over and over again.

Ye Ziye was not in the mood to eat at all, so he threw away the newspaper in his hand, stood up and went back to his room.

Put on a low-key dumb-colored clothes, put on a peaked cap, put on sunglasses, and carry a backpack.

Then he climbed into Yan Xiaozhu's room through the window on the second floor, and dragged her to the gymnasium to practice boxing to vent his anger.

Mother Yeguya nestled at home, picked up the paintbrush several times and wanted to draw, and several times put it down and sighed and thought.

For her, she has been living contradictoryly for 16 years.

On the one hand, I want my daughter to recognize her ancestors and return to her family, and want her daughter's identity to be taken seriously and recognized by people all over the world.

On the other hand, I am afraid that after the incident is exposed, it will have a negative impact and make everyone unhappy and restless.

Today her daughter's identity was exposed, but she still didn't get the approval of the Nie family.

The phone rang while she was in deep thought. She stared blankly at the shiny screen, and it took her a long time to realize it. When she took a closer look, it turned out to be a call from her friend Yi Hong.

Her hands trembled slightly: "Hello!"

Before, because of Zuo Zhe's affairs, she had a falling out with Yi Hong, but she managed to calm her down and promised to let her daughter break up with Zuo Zhe and get in touch with her son Qiu Yongchen.

"Yeguya, you big liar." Yi Hong's voice was sharp and mean: "You remarried, and Xi Wei changed his surname, it's all fake, so it turns out that you... are a mistress."

(End of this chapter)

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