Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 519 What about the other person?

Chapter 519 What about the other person?

He is the man in black, the leader of the kidnapper who tried to kidnap Ye Ziye that day, and also Rex's subordinate.

Now hiding in a corner somewhere, waiting for an opportunity to bite them back.

This kind of American veteran is indomitable, and stalking is their strong point, and things will definitely not stop there.

On the one hand, Zuo Zhe asked Yan Xiaozhu to track down the whereabouts of this person, and on the other hand, he asked Shan Nantao to invade foreign databases, trying to dig out the eighteen generations of his ancestors.

The information belonging to the man in black was finally collected after several twists and turns.

"His real name is Tom. He was born in the United States as an American-Korean mixed race. He once served in the U.S. Marine Corps. Because of a mission failure, his left leg was severely fractured and injured. He retired from the army and worked as a private bodyguard and commercial espionage. Activities." He is a very talented and talented person with super skills.

Qin Jun, Shan Nantao, and Fang Lin didn't understand why Zuo Zhe wanted to investigate this person, but they heard that Zuo Zhe led a group of experts to encircle and suppress others last week.

Is it related to this person?

Qin Jun blew his whistle: "Wow, fierce man."

"Where's the other person?" Zuo Zhe took two deep puffs of the cigarette, twisted out the butt of the cigarette, raised his head, and sprayed long and thick smoke from his mouth.

Suddenly, the smoke filled everyone's sight.

Shan Nantao withdrew his probing gaze, tapped on the keyboard, and another photo and related information popped up.

The same Asian, yellow-skinned and black-eyed mixed race.

"Rex, the boss of a gang in a small town in Manhattan, the United States, is quite powerful there, and he can compete with our Baihutang." He tapped the keyboard again: "It is also a gang that has been passed down from the family. It used to be his gang." Uncle is in charge, and he will be in charge of it for the past two years."

"They are different from us. They smuggle arms and sell underage girls. They are mainly engaged in the sex industry." Compared with their own Baihutang, the other party seems heinous.

Both Qin Jun and Fang Lin were startled when they heard this.

A retired mysterious soldier, an exotic gangster.

What is their connection with Baihutang?Zuo Zhe didn't mention this matter beforehand, but now in front of them, he asked Shan Nantao to share the information.

What kind of medicine is sold in his gourd?

Zuo Zhe raised his eyebrows and raised his handsome face full of personality.

(End of this chapter)

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