Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 520 A Highly Dangerous Person

Chapter 520 A Highly Dangerous Person

"Actually, it's a personal grievance, and it has nothing to do with Baihutang." Zuo Zhe stretched his legs, with a lazy attitude: "When Rex and Ziye were in the United States, there were some personal grievances...the last time Ziye played against me Car racing, bet 10 yuan a game, he participated in the race at the time, well, he was the guy who lost."

At that time, he ordered someone to beat him to serious injury because of a surprise attack on Ziye.

In addition, in the United States, Ziye hit his head with a helmet until his head was bleeding, and Season stabbed his thigh with a saber.

New hatred and old hatred come together, I am afraid that Ye Ziye will hate him to the bone.

"He hired Tom to kidnap Ziye,..." Zuo Zhe briefly stated the main point of the matter.

After a long time, Shan Nantao couldn't help sighing softly: "Sister-in-law Zhe is really a troublesome thing, no, she is a troublesome woman."

Then two cold eyes shot over, and he was so scared that he immediately changed his words: "Actually, it's absolutely wrong, it's the two people who provoked Ziye, um, we should dispatch the elite troops of Baihutang to take these two The guys are wiped out, well, you can’t let them go.”

After finishing speaking impassionedly and indignantly, Shan Nantao secretly glanced at Zuo Zhe, only to see that the old man's face softened and his eyes were no longer fierce.

Why!I secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and finally let go of the big stone in my heart.

How could he have forgotten that Zuo Zhe loved Ye Ziye so much that it was outrageous, within sight and hearing, he would never allow anyone to speak ill of her.

He almost died, but fortunately he was rescued in time.

Fang Lin chuckled, Shan Nantao is a straight-talking person.

Qin Jun said, "What are you going to do?"

It was about Ye Ziye's matter, he couldn't stand by and watch.

Season's own sister, Zuo Zhe's girlfriend, one of the relationships is enough to let him attack both sides, and there is no delay.

"Rex isn't here, but Tom is still here. For Ziye's safety, he must be found as soon as possible." Then deal with it.

Tom is definitely a high risk guy.

Zuo Zhe looked at Fang Lin: "You are responsible for this matter."

As the days went by, he became more and more worried that things might change.

After all, Yan Xiaozhu's ability is limited, and he can't take care of too many things.

(End of this chapter)

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