Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 521 She Still Can't Do It Today

Chapter 521 She Still Can't Do It Today
Maybe Baihutang is not as professional as Van's staff, but they also have their abilities, not to mention one more person, one more strength, one more chance to find Tom.

"Well, I know." Fang Lin took the order.

Qin Jun looked at Fang Lin and Zuo Zhe thoughtfully, was he suspicious?Why did he feel that Zuo Zhe valued Fang Lin very much recently?

Many things were handled by Fang Lin alone, and his respect and trust in Fang Lin had become increasingly obvious.

Next, everyone discussed other affairs of the gang separately.

[—Ye Xiwei's original *** Tencent first release —].
In front of the newspaper stalls on the street, stood two slender and tall girls, also wearing peaked caps, mysterious and cold.

The girl with sunglasses picked up one of the evening papers and dropped a few coins.

The two continued walking, Ye Ziye shook the backpack on his shoulders, opened the newspaper in his hand, and flipped through it.

Yan Xiaozhu next to him was still indifferent.

With a calm expression, she was on alert all the time, scanning the passing vehicles and pedestrians with one eye.

She knew that Zuo Zhe sent two shadow bodyguards to follow them, but this was always her job, even if there were more people protecting Ye Ziye, she would go all out to work.

From the corner of her eyes, she saw her hands tightened, trembling and excited: "What's the matter?"

Ye Ziye closed the evening newspaper, waved her hand and threw it into the oncoming trash can: "It's all right."

It's just that every other day, the difference between morning and evening, the content published in newspapers and magazines has become more complete and richer.

The morning newspaper only had photos, but it was suspected that she was the illegitimate daughter of the Nie family; the evening newspaper had already revealed her and her mother's name and Nie Fan's love history.

Hmph, tomorrow, will tomorrow announce her evil deeds over the years to the world?
Ye Ziye clenched her fists tightly, feeling her nails sinking into the flesh, numb with tingling pain.

After all, she didn't make it in time, and she had enough ability to take her mother away before the day when the incident was revealed.

She is so useless.

Everyone is right, there is nothing she can do well, and there is nothing she can do that does not disappoint everyone.

Even if this thing that has been oppressed for ten years, she still can't do it today.

(End of this chapter)

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