Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 530 Don't Be True To Her

Chapter 530 Don't Be True To Her

Zuo Zhe's face was very serious, as if he had turned into a thousand-year-old snow mountain, exuding an aura that strangers should not get close to.

Ye Ziye put his clothes back on, thought for a while and said to him: "You go back first."

She didn't want him to follow her down and let her mother scold her.

Who is Zuo Zhe?The majestic young master of Baihutang is usually the only one who orders others to scold others.

She was afraid that Zuo Zhe wouldn't be able to take it anymore and would contradict her mother, and the situation would get out of control. At that time, which side should she stand on?
"No, I'll go down with you." Zuo Zhe packed his cell phone and short gun without any objection.

Ye Ziye looked at the gun pinned to his waist, and his face became dark and worried.

That gun was something Zuo Zhe carried with him.

Since she was forcibly kidnapped on the street last time, no matter where he went, he must have it on his body, but he rarely used it, even when he surrounded the kidnappers last time, he never fired a single bullet.

Even so, she was still terrified of him bringing it to meet her mother, especially at this moment of mutual emotional instability.

"It's okay, don't be afraid." He caressed her face, lowered his head and kissed her deeply.

"Promise me, no matter what she says, you will not be angry or serious with her, okay?" She begged, tugging at the corner of his clothes.

"Yeah." He nodded and gave her a comforting look.

The two packed up and went downstairs holding hands.

Yeguya crossed her arms, still in a rage, pacing back and forth in the living room.

When she heard the creak of the wooden stairs, she looked up and looked at the two of them, and the intertwined fingers.

Her complexion became even uglier.

On the way home, she saw the expensive sports car parked at the alley, she remembered that it was Zuo Zhe's Lamborghini.

Knowing that he was looking for her daughter, she hurried home.

A mafia gangster, no matter how rich and capable he is, is just a criminal.

With his daughter, there will only be an endless road of no return.

She does not allow, absolutely does not allow them to be together.

When she rushed into her daughter's room in a hurry, what she saw was the scene she least wanted to see.

They get tangled up….

The last thing I wanted to see happened.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1. Please support the genuine version, please support the genuine version, please support the genuine version, please support the genuine version, please support the genuine version, please support the genuine version, important things are said 6 times.

2. Weiwei's QQ number is 307050976. If you add it but do not accept it, please add more until I accept you. Don't be shy.

3. Recommend Ye Xiwei's finished articles "Heart Marriage: Falling in Love with the Young Mistress Who Runs Away", "77 Days of Hidden Marriage: Quan Shao's 108 Billion Private Pet", "Mysterious Husband's Strong Pet: 100 Times Love You", "Chasing Wife for [-] Days: Male God" Every book is created by Weiwei with heart. It is absolutely wonderful and not to be missed. After reading it, you will know that there is no mistake in the introduction, hehe.

4. Because a lot of indescribable content was deleted, the number of words was reduced. Everyone will just read it and make up their own brains, okay?I did not have enough words to fill the number of words after I edited the article. I don’t count the money. Please ignore me and turn to the next page. Thank you. The author who worked hard to edit the article can’t afford to be hurt.

(End of this chapter)

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