Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 739 Maybe they look similar?

Chapter 739 Maybe they look similar?
Jimmy ran to turn on the TV and turned the volume up to the highest level to deceive others.

Ye Ziye quickly jumped out of the window, got into the garden next door, crossed the neighbor's lawn, and headed for the garage across the street.

Because Ye Ziye often went to race cars, and he didn't dare to bring home the motorcycles he won blatantly.

Therefore, they rented a garage near the repair shop, which housed several locomotives for their own use.

When a new locomotive is won, the old locomotive is arranged to be sold.

Later, Ye Ziye had an accident, and Jimmy was always reluctant to sell the motorcycle inside.

He believed that she would come back, how could she give up her motorcycle?
The thrill of escape is like going back to the excitement of running away from the house at night.

Ye Ziye stepped onto the motorcycle in two or three steps and headed towards the training house in the suburbs.

There were doubts in her heart, and she always felt that seeing Carl would find the answer she wanted.

When Carl came to her in the afternoon, she was shocked to find that the masked man's eyes were very similar to his.

It's just that she and him have been separated for a year, and the last time he came to look for her, there was a violent storm outside the house, and the house was pitch black, so she couldn't see him at all.

She wasn't sure if they belonged to the same person, perhaps looked alike?

After a while, as long as we meet, the answer will be revealed.

Drag racing is not difficult for her, it only takes 10 minutes, and she has already reached the place where she has been training secretly for half a year.

She put down the motorcycle and dodged into the house.

The surface of the house is covered with dust, and no one has lived in it for a long time.

There is a hidden mystery in the essence. There is a hidden wooden door at the bottom of the stairs. Open it, and there is a long staircase leading to the basement.

Stepping down the dimly lit stairs, you are ushered in the brightly lit training ground.

The basement is very spacious, almost twice the size of the ground, filled with various equipment for physical training.

The environment is clean and airy, with plenty of light, unlike ordinary people's dungeons, which are humid and dark.

A man in white was standing among the equipment. He was standing before running with her on his back, with his head slightly lowered, as if he was meditating on something.

Ye Ziye came behind him: "Carl!?"

He opened his eyes, raised his head slowly, and turned his face sideways: "Are you here?"

(End of this chapter)

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