Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 740 It Doesn't Make sense

Chapter 740 It Doesn't Make sense
He opened his eyes, raised his head slowly, and turned his face sideways: "Are you here?"

"What are you looking for from me?"

And she came here just to look into his eyes.

Carl turned around and faced her face to face, eye to eye, and met her probing eyes with a frank face.

Ye Ziye looked at him in surprise: "You...?"

The weak man with blond hair and blue eyes, his eyebrows, his light green eyes, and his plain eyes, the two have strange similarities.

No, exactly the same eyes, exactly the same look.

The same people are right.

Even though he was mentally prepared, Ye Ziye was still stunned when he saw these eyes.

Almost 100% sure: "It's you."

"It's me." Carl was still plain and elegant, with neither great joy nor great sorrow in his tone.

It seems to be saying that the weather is good today, which is very suitable for a plain conversation outside the country.

She didn't understand: "How could it be you?"

He blinked, the corners of his mouth were slightly curved, and he seemed to be smiling, but he didn't seem to be smiling: "Don't you want him to die? I just killed him for you."

Ye Ziye shook her head in disbelief: "If you helped me, why did you show up with a mask? Why did you fight with me? Why...."

"Because..." He snatched her from talking, even though she snatched the topic, her voice was still faint: "Because I don't want your friends to see me, because I want to help you do something, because I'm more I want to test your skills."

She wants reasons, and he can have many, many reasons.

But there is only one purpose, that is to want her people.

Ye Ziye frowned and thought deeply, analyzing the whole thing.

She'd managed to capture Rex, she'd tortured him to the brink of death, and in an hour or two, Rex's blood would drain and he'd be dead with no effort.

But he, Carl, ran out, picked him up and left without saying a word, and even fought her.

Finally, hide in the opposite room and kill Rex with one shot.

Is he helping her?Surely he wasn't messing around?

Things don't seem to make sense.

When she hesitated, Carl preempted: "Don't you believe me?"

(End of this chapter)

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