Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 747 I Smuggled Over

Chapter 747 I Smuggled Over
The door opened, and a tall and straight figure stood between the door frames. He held the doorknob with one hand and pressed it against the door frame with one hand.

The handsome face was full of fatigue and haggardness, and a pair of deep dark eyes were fixed on Ye Ziye's body.

Ye Ziye and Yan Xiaozhu both looked at him in astonishment, opened their mouths as if they had seen a ghost, and couldn't close them for a long time.

"Let's talk inside the house."

Zuo Zhe turned around and disappeared at the door with a little anger.

Ye Ziye blinked, was she dreaming?Why did she see Zuo Zhe here?
At this moment, she could no longer care about Yan Xiaozhu, and quickly rushed into the room. In the middle of the night, the room was pitch black, and she couldn't see her fingers.

She whispered uncertainly: "Zhe!?"

The sound of the lighter being ignited, a small cluster of flames illuminated a corner of the living room.

He connected the flames to the candles, one, two, three.

All of a sudden, the whole living room was lit with candles, and Yan Xiaozhu had already walked in from the outside.

The three of them stood in the living room, and the atmosphere became silent.

Ye Ziye noticed that there was a simple luggage on the side of the sofa. She walked towards him and touched his arm, still not sure if he was real.

"You...how are you here?"

Zuo Zhe opened his arms, hugged her tightly, and took a deep breath: "I sneaked here."

She's fine, she's still fine.

that is really good!
He hugged her tightly, as if afraid that she would lose again, almost rubbing her into his body.

"Zhe, I can't breathe." She protested uncomfortably.

She really never imagined that he came here illegally.

He must be crazy.

Zuo Zhe let her go lightly, and said to Yan Xiaozhu who was closing the door: "Xiaoyan, I haven't eaten all day and night, can you make some noodles for me?"

Ye Ziye became anxious when she heard the words, and immediately volunteered: "I'll go, I'll make you instant noodles."

In the next second, Zuo Zhe pulled back her body and winked at Yan Xiaozhu persistently.

Yan Xiaozhu tactfully retreated to the kitchen to prepare, but Ye Ziye complained ignorantly: "Why don't you let me go?"

He came, she was very happy, he was hungry for her, she was heartbroken, and wanted to do something for him.

(End of this chapter)

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