Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 748 Eat her up to the bottom

Chapter 748 Eat her up to the bottom
But he didn't even give her a chance.

Zuo Zhe took a deep breath, even Yan Xiaozhu understood, but she didn't understand him.

He didn't want to talk more, he pulled her into his arms again, held her stunned face, and kissed her hard.

The pain of lovesickness for many days is vented at this moment.

This little girl who tortured him physically and mentally, how could she treat him like this?He left him at home without saying a word, and went to the United States alone to take risks.

A long and lingering kiss, until the two of them almost collapsed, he reluctantly let her go.

Ye Ziye now fully understood that the reason he didn't let her make instant noodles was to drive Yan Xiaozhu away, so that he could kiss her as much as he wanted without any scruples.

She had a pretty face flushed, panting slightly, and looked at him: "I'm sorry!"

"Stop talking." He lightly pressed his fingers on her lips, his affectionate eyes stared at her facial features obsessively.

He wanted to make sure again if she was really in his arms, if she was really intact.

"Zhe!" Looking at his thin face, she believed that in the past two weeks, he had trouble sleeping and eating because of his own affairs.

She sniffed, feeling an inexplicable emotion flooding her whole body, tiptoeing, just when she was about to kiss him.

Yan Xiaozhu came out, her voice was always cold: "Instant noodles are here."

Zuo Zhe and Ye Ziye separated in embarrassment immediately, Zuo Zhe hurriedly took the hot instant noodles, put them on the table, and started to gobble them up in front of the two girls.

He was really hungry, he didn't feel hungry until he saw her, and saw her intact in front of his eyes.

After hanging on for many days, he finally landed safely, and suddenly felt extremely hungry, and the instant noodles in front of him tasted so delicious.

After three grillings and two dials, he ate it upside down.

"Do you want more?" Yan Xiaozhu blinked. Is his cooking so good?It's really clean to eat.

"No need." Zuo Zhe took Ye Ziye to sit down, motioned Yan Xiaozhu to sit down too: "What have you guys done these days? How is the situation now?"

He was eager to know everything she had done when he was not around her.

If the matter is resolved, they will go back to China; if not, they will use Van's power to solve it.

(End of this chapter)

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