Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 790 Who is the Final Winner

Chapter 790 Who is the Final Winner

The entire castle garden was brightly lit, illuminating the dark night sky like day, accompanied by the screams and firefighting sounds of the housekeepers and servants.

The bodyguards fell down one by one, Yan Xiaozhu and Ye Ziye gasped and gritted their teeth, even though they were bruised and bruised.

All the bodyguards concentrated on besieging the two girls, leaving Zuo Zhe and Carl to fight one-on-one.

The two of them changed from being fierce and unrestrained before to crazy Si Sha, with red eyes bursting out, vowing to knock each other down.

You punched, I kicked, Zuo Zhe's nunchaku was blown away at some point.

You pinned my arm, I grabbed your chest, and finally the two wrestled together.

Zuo Zhe pressed Carl's shoulders, pushed his knees up hard, and hit his abdomen again and again.

Carl clasped Zuo Zhe's waist, knocked him down to the ground in an instant, and then rushed forward, punching him on the cheek one after another.

The next moment, Zuo Zhe grabbed his fist, pushed his body away with the other hand, pulled out his left leg from the gap, and kicked him away.

The two fell to the ground, gasping for breath and staring at each other.

Blood seeped out from between the teeth, his face was black and blue, and his clothes were in tatters.

They are like fighters in the arena, with bare hands, punching and kicking each other before they are willing to stop.

The two people who just paused for five or six seconds threw themselves at each other again. Now there was no skill at all, and some were just melee.

Whoever has the most strength, who has enough perseverance, and who supports to the end will be the final winner.

You punch, I punch, you kick, I kick.

The continuous fighting seems like an endless killing, like an endless long-distance race.

On the other side, Ye Ziye and Yan Xiaozhu were also struggling to hold on. When the bodyguard fell, their physical strength was also exhausted little by little.

It seemed as long as a century had passed, when all the bodyguards were knocked down to the ground.

From the corner of Ye Ziye's eyes, Zuo Zhe was pushed down to the ground by Carl again, and Carl's hands firmly held Zuo Zhe's neck.

Like a ruthless beast, it was about to crush Zuo Zhe to death.

"You, you stop!" Ye Ziye was full of strength, supporting the ground with one hand and shouting at Carl: "Let him go! Let-go-he-ah!"

(End of this chapter)

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